Work with the top 1%

Experience Customisable Technology Solutions with the Top 1% of IT Talent, Ensuring High-Quality Delivery

Hiring the Top 1%

We thrive in finding the Top 1% of Talent to fulfill every project's needs. Our team evaluates thousands of applicants annually to find the most talented Software Engineers, and we provide them with continuous and extensive training. Here is how the process works:


Job Applications (10k / Year)

We receive over ten thousand applicants yearly. Depending on our recruitment criteria, we filter through these applications we get from job boards, headhunting, or referrals.

After assessing their profiles and determining their possible fit into the company, we assign each candidate to the most appropriate open positions that we have or may have shortly. This step marks the beginning of our rigorous hiring process, which only the Top 1% of candidates will be able to pass.

Online Skills Assessment

Using various assessment platforms, we filter out the bad candidates from the good ones in a scientific way. The entire screening process ensures that we get the creme-de-la-crop. Many data-based and evidence-based evaluations help us choose the best fits and remove all bad hires.


English Proficiency Test

Before making it to the next step, every potential candidate must pass an English language test we conduct through specialized platforms. We evaluate our candidate's technical competence and English proficiency through these tests.

We also combine video and audio to prevent cheating and ensure utmost strictness. After assessing the score cards, we identify candidates who can speak/write/comprehend English correctly – a skill that’s a must for day-to-day work activities.

Technical Interview

The next step before being hired is exhaustively conducted by our expert Technical Interviewers. At this stage, they ask specific questions related to the potential projects in which the candidate might participate, including real-time problem-solving.

We test candidate’s ability to resolve issues when faced with challenges. We evaluate candidate’s logical reasoning and critical thinking skills to ensure they’re not stumped when faced with complex scenarios at work.


HR Round

If the candidate passes all the previous steps, our HR team conducts a final set of interviews with them. During these interviews, our HRs evaluate candidates' work experience, communication skills, commitment, ability to work under deadlines, and personality to be a good fit for Capital Numbers and our clients.

Those performing well in these interviews are the Top 1% of Software Engineers working with our clients.

Disclaimer: The hiring process may differ between individual candidates.

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Key Traits

We always seek to build a long-term development relationships with our clients by helping them solve complex and challenging tasks. Therefore, our developers need certain talents, traits, and skill sets to meet and exceed client expectations. Experience and technical knowledge are not enough. We retain only developers who demonstrate a blend of initiative, talent, and responsibility.

Here are some key traits we screen for:

  • Strong Development Skillset


    Strong Development Skillset

    Many clients choose us over western developers. Therefore, it’s our responsibility to replicate and even exceed the quality of development offered by developers in the United States and Europe. In our hiring process, we select only candidates with significant development skills.

  • Logical Aptitude


    Logical Aptitude

    The nature of our work demands a strong proficiency with basic and advanced logic. A developer who thinks logically will build a functional, easy-to-maintain product. As many of our clients are startups and entrepreneurs who wish to quickly develop an MVP, logical aptitude is an essential trait for our developers.

  • Responsibility



    We maintain efficient project management. But we also require each developer to maintain a certain level of commitment to the project and his or her supervisor. So we only hire candidates capable of showing up, performing great work, and notifying management of unforeseen delays or problems. This way, development goes on uninterrupted.

  • Transparency



    We maintain total transparency with our clients. When you work with us, you’ll have timesheets, reports, and analysis showing you the details of your project. We expect the same from our developers. If they hit an obstacle, we want to know about it so we can apply a solution as soon as possible.

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Testimonials and Success Stories

Hear from our clients about how Capital Numbers has transformed their businesses.

Stephen SmithCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Jorge QuinteroCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Katherine MaoCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Ryan GallaceCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Bob NorbergCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Marcello RongioneCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Read More Reviews
  • Google 5 Star Customer Rating
  • Clutch 2023
  • G2 - Business Software Review
  • GoodFirms

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