Toosent login page layout

Technology Stack

  • HTML iconHTML
  • CSS iconCSS
  • jQuery iconjQuery
  • Laravel iconLaravel
  • MySQL iconMySQL
The Challenge

The Challenge

The client needed a platform that would give users the ability to add and respond to user-submitted surveys.

They envisioned it as a place where anyone can post questions and have them answered by others wishing to give their opinion.

The Solution

The Solution

The project required plenty of custom development on the backend as well teh designs and wireframes were prepared before development. We used Bootstrap and then hand-coded it to add the options we wanted while maintaining the structure of Bootstrap.

The project will be undertaken in multiple phases. We finished phase one of the project recently and made the site functional. Phase two will be a site-wide enhancement.

The client wanted a tailor-built survey platform that would include an easy sign-up process, a detailed survey section, blog section, super admin dashboard, location, and settings. We kept each of their business needs in mind, and created a survey app that would let users sign up through Facebook or Twitter. After signing up, users can create their own surveys. We included a ‘My Stats’ segment which would help users view the surveys they’ve created.

We included a ‘Feedback’ section which would help the admin view and access every comment and suggestion in the app. We also added a ‘Blog’ section for the admin to upload blogs, ‘CMS’ section to help the admin manage content, ‘User’s Area’ to enable the admin edit users’ profiles, and a ‘Questions’ section to help the admin view a list of active surveys and questions. In a nutshell, we ensured that the app serves as a perfect survey tool that’s high on functionality and superb in performance. We were successful in meeting every criteria of the project. The client was happy and wanted us to work on further site enhancements for improved scalability.

Currently, the site includes features like choice of category, survey submission, and the ability to give answers that make it functional for the user base. We anticipate several updates in the future, however.

Feature icon


Signup / Login

Currently the users can sign up seperately or use Facebook or Twitter. Signup requires a name, email address, password, and password confirmation. We have fields where users can choose which topic they’re interested in, such as music or movies or sports, or some other type of surveys which they’re interested in giving their opinion on.

Questions and Surveys

  • When a user logs in, they are greeted with a random question. This question comes from one of the categories that they’ve selected. Every time they log in, the first question changes randomly, so they’ll never answer the same question twice.
  • If they answer the question, they are taken to a results page to see how other people answered. From there, they can go on to the next question in their categories.

Create Surveys

To create surveys, just click on the “create survey” tab. There are several different types of questions to choose from. You can also select which category the questions will belong to to.

My Stats and My Surveys

My Stats displays the statistics of the profile, and My Surveys will display all the questions and surveys that the user has added.


Here the admin can view posted comments, reports, and suggestions. The admin can also mark it as spam if needed.


From here the admin can access most basic CMS functions and manage all content.


We built a blog for using WordPress. It redirects directly to the wordpress CMS. The admin can upload and post articles from the backend for users to view.

Super Admin Dashboard

This is used by the client on the backend. The client can see the data displayed at a glance from the screen. Examples include realtime server load, total questions asked per week, and total surveys per week. The admin can also view total opinions given via a chart, the top ten questions in the last 24 hours, admin login activity, and the current users who are logged in.


The settings tab contains the entire site settings. It mostly consists of default information and configurations.

User’s Area

The user’s area is a major point from where a public user is added. The admin can see a list of all public users, and can edit their public info, such as their interests, location, social media accounts, and more. The admin can also add or remove any members.


From this backend panel the user can also edit the roles. These are member, administrator, and sub administrator.


The locations tab will display locations from which users are logged in. It’s currently operating only in the United States but the site will soon be available internationally.


From here the user can add the number of categories present in the system. Can also edit or discard categories.


Here the admin can see an active list of questions and surveys, plus who is active and who is not. They can also which questions have expired or been published, andview and take action on active surveys.

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  • Fill 1Created with Sketch.

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