
Technology Stack

  • Google Dialogflow iconPython
  • ReactJS iconReactJS
  • jQuery API icon jQuery
  • PostgreSQL iconPostgreSQL
  • Stripe iconStripe
  • AWS iconAWS
Loan Comparison Platform Development

The Client

With over 14 years of industry experience, Insight-Ful Technology is a leading company, based in California, USA, that offers cutting-edge technology services and Intellectual Property (IP) consultations to help businesses scale and transform.

The Challenge

The Challenge

Insight-Ful Technology wanted to develop a social media marketing tool that would enable small businesses to improve their social media presence cost-effectively. The company turned to Capital Numbers to design and implement this tool.

  • Before initiating the project, we held several meetings with the client to map solutions and identify bottlenecks.
  • We studied the market feasibility to analyze the product’s future potentials.
  • We also exhaustively researched social media management tools to benchmark the most crucial features with maximum benefits.
  • We harnessed our technical skills to come up with a useful product, at low-cost.
The Solution

The Solution

Our scope was to create a tool that would help individual entrepreneurs and growing startups streamline social monitoring and marketing efforts within a single platform.

Keeping this in mind, we started the project by using Python for backend development. Python comes with excellent library support that makes it highly extensible. Moreover, it offers code readability and sustainability. Its object-oriented programming features make it easier for the coders to optimize and speed up development too.

For the frontend, we chose ReactJS. We considered React because it’s perfect for developing high-volume applications. Plus, its strong developer community helps with smooth development. React also simplifies scripting components and promises quick rendering. As a result, we went ahead with it.

To make the app interface user-friendly, we picked jQuery. With an abundance of plugins, this JS library was our preferred choice because it makes apps extensible. Moreover, its beautiful syntax helps create clean and pretty web pages.

PostgreSQL was our choice for the database management system. It was the perfect fit for a tool that is meant to perform high-volume data operations. Moreover, PostgreSQL has full support for single sign-ons and SSL, so security issues could be kept at bay.

For the payment solution, Stripe was our immediate pick. It’s budget-friendly, comes with a powerful API and has a rave-worthy community support. Plus, Stripe is customizable and allows quick sign-up.

We chose AWS to host the app because it has every asset to scale up and down an IT ecosystem. Moreover, its custom-built infrastructure helps apps run fast, even when there are unexpected traffic spikes. Data thefts could also be eliminated because AWS sticks to global security protocols.

Features icon


By combining these technologies and deep skills, we developed the social media marketing tool, BrandCil, to help small firms build their online presence, on-budget.

We helped the client with the following:

Super Admin Dashboard

We created a super admin dashboard that gives our client or the super admin full authority to authenticate other tenants (or brand owners) and assign them admin roles.

Tenant Admin Dashboard

We added the tenant admin dashboard to let each tenant manage his social media pages within a single interface, once he gets permission from the super admin.

Social Media Integrations

We integrated robust Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn APIs, to help brands seamlessly manage their social accounts through the BrandCil app.

For example:

Facebook Account Management

Our team incorporated Facebook APIs to help brands create and publish Facebook posts, measure fan growth, and track post performances, from BrandCil’s centralized system.

Twitter Account Management

We added well-documented Twitter APIs to help businesses manage their Twitter profiles, intelligently distribute tweets, and engage with mentions and DMs - within the all-inclusive BrandCil platform.

LinkedIn Account Management

To enable companies to manage their LinkedIn pages, connect with other thought leaders, and build LinkedIn relationships, we installed LinkedIn APIs within the BrandCil app.

Automated Scheduling

To help users schedule social media posts at times that guarantee peak engagements, we added a post scheduler. This would help them optimize social reach and save time.

Content Calendar

Users can visualize their content pipeline within an intuitive calendar, spread out posts across time, and organize their posts efficiently, without worrying about overlaps.

Google Drive API

We even enabled the Google Drive API within the app to allow brands to quickly upload social posts (e.g., images, videos, audio files, PDFs, etc.) directly from their Google Drive. This would ensure easy access to files and eliminate delays.

Dropbox Integration

By implementing the Dropbox API, we ensured that each user is able to organize scattered social media content, share and sync files, keep data secure, and get adequate cloud storage space, irrespective of the document size.

Customized Subscription Plans

We also kept the page layouts dynamic so that the client can customize the subscription plans (e.g., Silver, Gold, and Platinum), whenever brands choose to add or delete their social accounts within the BrandCil app.

Timely Deployment

With inputs from our specialists and coding team, we deployed a comprehensive and cost-effective social media management solution, on-time.

All-in-one Social Media Toolkit

The resulting product is an all-in-one social media toolkit, targeted to help small and growing businesses foster deeper audience connections on social channels.

The BrandCil app is a one-stop solution that can help businesses:

  • Curate content
  • Create, schedule and publish posts
  • Monitor campaigns
  • Gather insights
  • Link multiple social profiles

Therefore, instead of managing each social profile separately, businesses can use BrandCil to complete the above tasks - all within a single location.

Future Collaborations

Happy with our project handling capacity, the client wants to seek Capital Numbers’ expertise to add further integrations within the BrandCil app and help more brands ‘go social’.

Currently, the client is in talks with us to get started with the second phase of the app development.

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