Shyamsteel WebPage layout

Technology Stack

  • HTML iconHTML
  • css iconCSS
  • jQuery iconjQuery
  • WordPress iconWordpress
The Challenge

The Challenge

The client, wanted a complete update for their site.

They wanted to reflect changes in the company and overhaul their marketing and design. Previously the site was static and it was very difficult for them to make any changes over there.

The Solution

The Solution

We decided to make them a website using WordPress CMS.

This new website is ideal for users who want to learn about, network with, and possibly partner with Shyam Steel. Very colorful and attractive, as they wanted, while also conveying the qualities of their steel -- strength and flexibility. We included sliders for ease of use. Virat Kohli is actually the brand ambassador of Shyam Steel, so we included several dynamic images of him as an endorsement.

When the client approached us, we sat with them to thoroughly understand each of their requirements and ensured that we take their digital presence a notch higher with an awesome site revamp.

Offering a unique user experience was something we kept in mind while restructuring the site for Shyam Steel. We updated their ‘About’ section, ‘Retail’ section and ‘Certificate’ section in the Home page. We even added an ad section in the Home page along with the contact information and address section right at the bottom. Our UI/UX team was consistently focused on creating the best navigational experience for the target audiences. After successfully completing the web designing project, the client was highly satisfied to get a site that looked brighter, smarter and more enhanced than before.

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Updated Home Page

  • Includes the three products they sell -- TMT rebar, structural steel, and billets. Also includes an at-a-glance about section, retail network information, a certificate section where users can see their certifications, information on various ventures, and a brochure users can download if they want to know more information.
  • We’ve also included the TV ad featuring Virat Kohli on this page.
  • Finally, there’s a footer which has navigation, a contact section, and office locations displayed across the country.

Retail Page

  • On the retail page, users can select the state they want to know more information about. The page changes according to their selection; for example, selecting West Bengal will make the banner display in West Bengal.
  • You can also view the product price list or call for questions. If you’re interested in forming a dealership with the company, you can click the “Interested in Dealership” link and fill out the form with your name and other details so Shyam Steel can contact you.
  • If you select an area to find a dealer, you’ll be asked for the pin number of your state. Enter the pin number and it’ll show all the dealers nearby.
  • We’ve also included a way to upload information through the back end. Whenever a new dealer is added, they can go to the back end and add all the details there, so it appears on the front end.

Fast Navigation

It’s much easier now for users to browse this site through navigation items on the menu. The navigation menu includes the “About Us” page, “Plants” “Products” “Retail” “Ventures” “TMT facts” “FAQ” “Career” and “Contact Us” pages. Each page has its own banners and detailed information so the user can get a thorough understanding of the steel.

UI/UX Friendly

  • The user experience is much better on this website. It’s easier now for people to get in touch with the company if they want to start a career, get more information, request a quote, or more.
  • We’ve integrated a form users can fill out if they’re interested in career opportunities at Shyam Steel.
  • The “Request a Quote” button will take users to another form where they can ask about pricing for a particular order. Just fill out the form for the company to get back to you with an answer.

Social Media Integration

You can repay loans with cash or by selling some assets. For example, if the player has $295,000,000 in the bank, they can click on “repay loan.” One Debt Card and $250,000,000 will be deducted from that player’s cash. So whenever the player has $250.000,000 with the $5,000,000 extra, he or she can repay the loan.

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