Technology Stack

  • Joomla iconJoomla
  • React iconReact
  • Wordpress iconWordpress
  • iOS iconiOS
  • Android iconAndroid
Challenge imageChallenge image

The client is a successful and growing hosting and development company based in Queensland. This agency prides itself on developing cutting-edge solutions for client needs and offers a full spectrum of digital services to help its clients maintain a quality online presence and high ROI.

So, after a successful six years, the client wanted to expand and get established as a leading digital agency across Australia. Unfortunately, they lacked the in-house talent to do so. They needed to scale up.

Aware of our reputation for professionalism, the client reached out to us and asked us to redesign their website to have the look and feel of a full-service digital agency. When we delivered on that, they trusted us enough to ask us to begin working on their client sites.


To expand, the client needed to add certain services that they weren’t already providing. For instance, they weren’t offering search engine optimization or reputation management services, for which there is a big demand.


The client needed flexibility to continue to deliver their end clients’ CMS projects while expanding, ensuring the same speed and quality to which their clients had become accustomed.

Cost Savings

Finally, they needed to work with designers and developers who could deliver a custom theme based on a predefined template, thus saving them some costs.

solution imagesolution image
  • UI/UX iconUI/UX
  • Front-end iconFront-end Dev
  • Back-end iconBack-end Dev
  • SEO iconSEO

Helping the client strengthen their digital presence


Although we spoke the same English, our team and the client’s team had very different accents! They spoke with an Australian accent, which was a challenge to understand at the beginning. We simply asked them to talk a little more slowly at the start so we could get a better understanding. After a little practice, we were able to understand one another and talk normally.

Delivery Timeline

Early in the relationship, we went through a long, drawn-out design process. It involved creating the design for every page of the website and showing it to the end client for approval. This process took too long, and it was costing our client too much money… so we proposed a new way of doing things.

In the new process, we designed only the home page and one of the design pages and implemented it in the CMS. Then we built all the remaining pages in real time, based on client requirements - without going through the design phase. This new process immediately resulted in increased profitability and faster delivery timeline for the client.

End Client Budget Constraints

Our client had some clients with the small budgets and needed our advice on working within that budget. So we started selecting ready-made themes and implemented them instead of building a theme from scratch.

Site Redesign For Speed

After a few years of working together, the client requested a second redesign of their own site. This time, they wanted to focus on loading speed. We used some of the latest technologies to achieve this goal and delivered a new site with a great Google Pagespeed score.

White Label SEO and CRM

We work with our client to increase traffic to the end clients’ website and improve their reputation according to Google’s search results. We also made it a point to universally improve all client Google rankings. As a consequence of our SEO and Online Reputation Management, the rankings improved across the board for all clients.

Similarly, other clients had issues with low traffic on their websites. Our objective was to improve the organic ranking of the website in Google. Automatically, it improved the traffic on their websites.

We especially put organic SEO to its best use. For example, an end client from the financial industry had a poor reputation in the online search results. When someone searched on Google with a particular keyword, a negative blog post ranked in the top pages. It impacted the reputation of the brand. We worked to outrank the negative blog content and improve the client’s ranking in Google.

Online Strategy

An end client in the tourism space had some trouble with their online strategy and website maintenance. Their existing digital marketing plan wasn’t working out. So, they wanted it to place it in the hands of a new company who could think something out of the box for them.

Features icon


In a nutshell, we were able to offer the client skilled resources and a logical, good knowledge of UI/UX. Here’s what else we offered:

Test Projects

  • Understandably, the client wanted to test our skills without potentially risking the quality of their client's projects. They suggested that we first help with a redesign of their own site.
  • So we sent them a wireframe to get an understanding of their business logic and mind mapping. In return, they provided feedback and some ideas they’d like to implement in their site. Based on their feedback, we provided the initial design and they were happy with it.
  • They then wanted to test our frontend skill, so they asked us to provide some JavaScript based animation during development. We shared a prototype of some of our animation… and they liked it very much! So much, in fact, that they immediately started working with us on their client's websites.

Quality Assurance

  • When we assigned development projects, our developers completed the projects according to guidelines they learned testing software in the past. This way, we could deliver the project without additional testing costs, while still making sure the quality was up to standard.

Expanding Competencies

  • Our client mainly dealt with with Joomla-based websites. With our assistance, they expanded into deals requiring Wordpress, Magento, and Drupal. They also started using us to work on OpenCart and other e-commerce related frameworks. Also, as stated above, they originally didn’t offer any SEO services, but with our help they could finally sell SEO and ORM.

In-Person Visits

  • Between now and then, they’ve also visited our offices twice. They spent time with the team both to familiarize themselves with individuals and to train the employees on their procedures and expectations. This time was also used to deepen bonds of mutual trust.
  • In general, we’ve acted as experienced coworkers who take care to offer a proper response to every project. Thus far, we’ve been able to find solutions for our client’s every possible need.
  • They are very happy with our service.
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