The Client
Saving Dinner, a website and blog that has been featured on several mainstream news networks including NBC, ABC, and USAToday. They are mainly focused on providing their visitors with information on dinner recipes and helping them in building their custom grocery lists.

Menu Selection
Saving Dinner features a variety of appetizing weekly menus. Users can browse through them to facilitate selection of a diet that’s right for their family. By giving them this option, the app helps users quickly look and see which meals they want and how to cook them.
The Premium Menu Mailer
This is a feature that is unlocked with payment. Users can connect with and look up delicious, nutritious recipes, shopping lists, and nutritional information. This helps them with everything, from finding a meal they like, to selecting ingredients, to actually cooking it.
Daily Blog
- This section links them to the website, which hosts the daily blog. The blog focuses mainly on healthy tips and cooking tricks, so users can continue to learn best cooking practices even if they don’t have the app.
- Members can utilize these features to easily design and execute meals that not only will enhance their menu-planning experience, but will provide an opportunity for families to connect and grow closer.