Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) for iOS Food Delivery App

Technology Stack

  • ReactJS iconVue.js
  • C# iconLaravel
  • Stripe iconStripe
  • SendGrid iconSendGrid
  • SaaS iconAWS
The Challenge

The Challenge

To accomplish this goal, we brought together our qualified dev team to architect a system that makes skill tests simple for business owners, HRs, and candidates.

The challenge was to design an enterprise-level assessment platform that enables recruiters to:

  • Create job posts (i.e., Senior PHP Developer, Associate Java Developer, etc.)
  • Add programming aptitude tests (i.e., PHP, HTML, JavaScript, etc.)
  • Send email invites to selected candidates
  • View test results in printable PDF format

We wanted to build an app that would never miss a potential candidate.

The Solution

The Solution

With our process expertise and a structured approach, we worked towards creating an app with powerful technologies and solutions.

Firstly, we picked Vue.js for the frontend development because it’s flexible, comes with reusable components, has detailed documentation, and can integrate with existing apps. Vue was our obvious choice.

For the backend, we chose Laravel. It offers an extremely secure user authentication and authorization. Plus, it has pre-installed templates with robust widgets that help developers create amazing layouts. Moreover, its MVC framework implements a modular architecture that makes the app high-performing and maintainable.

To help recruiters register and subscribe to this app, we incorporated the Stripe payment gateway. It supports multi-currency, assures safe transactions, and processes cards without storing card details. An excellent API further makes it a delight for developers to set up and maintain Stripe.

Next, we used SendGrid to help trigger targeted emails and notifications (e.g., email invites, job URLs, subscription emails, test completion emails, etc.). It helps maintain an open line of communication at all times. We chose this SMTP provider because it’s cloud-based, which helps send emails without the need for separate email servers. Also, SendGrid has a solid API that automatically manages errors or bounces, thereby keeping the sender's reputation at its best.

Our experts chose the email queue system to send emails to the recipients in batches instead of sending all the emails at once. The system keeps the emails in a queue and delivers them to the recipients in a step-by-step way. This eliminates the chances of system crashes, which otherwise often happens during mass mailing.

For hosting the app, we picked Amazon Web Services (AWS). It not only provides high levels of security, reliability, and flexibility; it doesn’t require IT administration as well. Moreover, AWS can easily handle huge enterprise-grade traffic without glitches.

Features icon


By combining talent and technology, our team at Capital Numbers successfully designed a SaaS-based application, Skillsz, that makes pre-hire assessments quick and straightforward. Business owners can choose any of the subscription business models of this SaaS product and improve their hiring process. Different price plans for this SaaS product help businesses scale without incurring huge upfront costs.

Skillsz lets employers weave innovation into their technical hiring at cost-effective rates. This assessment tool allows businesses to find the best developers and eliminate the incompetent ones, fast.

Some of the cutting-edge features of Skillsz include:

Welcome Page

As a recruiter, after you register yourself with Skillsz, you get to view the Welcome Page that gives you an overview of the primary steps to creating your first job. These steps include:

  • Job details
  • Skill test
  • Invite candidates

Create Branding

This section helps you enter your domain name, upload your company logo, update brand information, and strengthen your online identity through Skillsz.

Create Jobs

By clicking on the ‘Create Job’ button, you can start creating and publishing your first job by adding details like:

  • Job Description
  • Select Skills
  • Importance
  • Invite Candidates
  • Publish

Create, Customize and Clone Tests

You can create new tests for your candidates based on skills like PHP, MySQL, Drupal, WordPress, JavaScript, HTML, CSS3, etc. Moreover, you can duplicate or clone tests and customize them as per your requirements.

Invite a Candidate

After creating the skill test, you can send an email invitation to a single candidate to take the test by updating his First Name, Last Name, and Email ID.

Candidate List

If you want to send email invites to multiple candidates, you can upload a CSV file containing the candidate list and publish the skill test. This will help you send the skill test to numerous candidates easily.

Public URL

When you create and publish tests for candidates, a public URL gets generated. Selected candidates can find this URL in their mailbox, click on it, and undertake the test.


After a candidate completes a test, you get a notification mail that lets you view the test results in a printable PDF format. This allows you to evaluate your candidates and make better hiring decisions. Looking at this test score, you immediately know who can do the job before getting the job. Accordingly, you can shortlist the best candidates and call them for the final interviews.

Subscription Plans

When you register with Skillsz, you get free credit in your account using which you can send a single test invitation. However, to interview more candidates, you need extra credits. In such cases, you can simply subscribe to the following plans to top up your credit account:

  • Essential Plan - 20 job posts at $49 per month.
  • Professional Plan - 50 job posts at $99 per month.
  • Business Plan - 100 job posts at $159 per month.

You can upgrade or downgrade your subscription plan, as per your business needs and budget.

Skillsz lets you create 35 types of online tests to help you conduct an in-depth candidate analysis.

All in all, to help companies assess talent holistically, the team at Capital Numbers worked with sheer dedication and created Skillsz from scratch. This SaaS product is customizable, configurable, and a one-stop solution for all your technical test requirements.

Our specialists did a brilliant job at developing this go-to software that ticks all the right boxes and make talent hunting a lot simpler and faster.

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