
Technology Stack

  • Java icon Java
  • Angular iconAngular
  • Jsoup iconJsoup
  • MySQL icon MySQL
  • MySQL icon API
  • AWS iconAWS iconAWS
Loan Comparison Platform Development

The Client

Established in 2011, engageSimply is a Topic Intelligence company, based in New York, USA. It creates ‘cohorts’ of web page topics and keywords that are monetizable to help advertisers deploy acquisition marketing at scale.

The Challenge

The Challenge

The company had implemented its breakthrough solution, Brand Wisdom, to identify the most leverageable topics and keywords, and the audiences clustered around them. However, it was becoming tedious for the company to extract the data from huge volumes on the Internet manually. They realized that it was no longer feasible. So, they turned to Capital Numbers for a digital solution.

Our data experts worked closely with the client to create an automated keyword extraction tool. We had to develop an online platform that can:

  • Scrape high-quality topics and keywords from unstructured formats.
  • Mine data accurately to find out trends and opportunities.
  • Serve as a SaaS product to help businesses with marketing campaign success.
The Solution

The Solution

To meet the client’s goals, we went ahead to develop the app with defined methodologies and toolkits.

Our tech stack included the following:

To simplify and speed up the development process, we used Java as the programming language over other environments. It’s easier to debug and compile Java apps. Moreover, Java is object-oriented that helps create modular designs and reusable code. It’s platform-independent and secure too. As a result, this was our language of choice for this project.

To deliver a modern and comprehensive UI design, we used Angular. It is two-way binding that automatically handles data modifications, eliminating developer intervention. This apart, Angular provides code reusability and maintenance along with simplified unit-testing. Therefore, we used the Angular ecosystem for this online tool.

To add robustness to this data extraction tool, we used the HTML parser - Jsoup. It parses and extracts HTML documents from URL addresses, files, and texts, quickly. So, we chose Jsoup to add data parsing capabilities within the app.

MySQL was our immediate choice for the database management system. It offers top security layers, round-the-clock uptime, and complete workflow control (right from data design to data administration).

We leveraged DataforSEO APIs because they help gather and harmonize rich SEO data and turn them into actionable insights.

To deploy the app without disruptions or downtime, we used AWS. Its unlimited server capacity, flexibility, reliable encryption, and affordability led us to choose AWS as the hosting solution. Our experts considered AWS as the perfect choice for this app that requires high data transfer speeds and low latency.

Features icon


Our efficient processes helped us create a powerful topic and keyword extraction tool, Brand Wisdom, that allows businesses to plan and execute keyword-based ads successfully.

Companies can use this new, streamlined tool to get intelligent analytics and speed up decision making.

Our focus areas included the following:

Topic Admin Dashboard

We created this panel to let the client or the super admin semantically extract and group rich topics and keywords, from multiple formats, in seconds.


We included this section to let marketers (or end users) quickly track the suggested content topics that are trending and have enormous potential to drive leads.

Hex Map

We added a hex board or a hex grid from where marketers can map competitors’ keywords, find new search trends, spot marketing gaps, pinpoint ROI opportunities, and gather competitive intelligence.

Real People

Our team included this section to give a pictorial representation of high-quality topics (based on impressions, search volumes, and the number of real people using them). Marketers can use the graphs in this section to identify the topics that are worth targeting for better campaign outcomes.


We used Venn diagrams to graphically represent the overlapping/non-overlapping keywords used by marketers and their competitors. Marketers can use this data to uncover new keyword trends and optimize ads accordingly.

MonkeyLearn API

Our experts skillfully integrated MonkeyLearn APIs into the online tool to facilitate text analysis and data classification in no time.

IBM Watson API

Moreover, we incorporated IBM Watson APIs to turn scattered information (from emails, images, social media, etc.) into intelligent insights.


We also used DataForSEO APIs to aggregate and harmonize big volumes of SEO data cost-effectively without using complex algorithms.

Informed SEM

Our team excelled at leveraging robust APIs and technologies to create a top-notch tool, Brand Wisdom, that delivers rich keyword data for informed search engine marketing.

Process Automation

Despite challenges, Capital Numbers was happy to create this all-inclusive toolkit that automates topic and keyword extraction methods, eliminates manual processes, and improves go-to-market times.

SaaS Product

Our client loved this SaaS product that’s affordable, scalable, and perfect for digital agencies looking to leverage keyword niches for their ad campaigns.

Data Scraping Solution

We’re proud of our tech talents that created this digital-first solution to save companies hours of data scraping.

Trusted Vendor

Our ability to develop this tool and migrate it to AWS without glitches reinforced our reputation as a trusted vendor.

Satisfied with our excellent services, the client now wants Capital Numbers to handle the app development's second phase.

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