Technology Stack

  • Unity3D iconUnity 3D Game Engine
  • C# iconC#
The Challenge

The Challenge

The client wanted a game that would entertain its players with a casual but addictive gameplay, gather a big following, and generate some word of mouth “buzz” to get shares and downloads. The goal was to gain as large a following as possible, so that the client could pull in revenue and earn a large ROI.

The Solution

The Solution

The concept of chasing a controversial head of state will generate widespread interest.

Then the eye-catching graphics, engaging gameplay, and infinite scroll will lead the user to make in-app purchases to fulfil client monetization goals. Plus, we added an in-game banner and ads to fulfill the the same purpose.

The gameplay itself is simple, yet hard to put down. But it also has a learning component. Students make inputs controlling when payments are made in the game, and they view how the payments impact the credit score displayed in a user interface. By doing this, students intuitively learn the various components of credit reporting, like how amounts and frequencies of different types of credits can affect a credit score.

By enabling powers in the game in connection with correctly answered questions, students may be incentivized to learn from the lessons and answer questions correctly.

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Leaderboard and Achievements

  • Here you can view missions that you can accomplish during gameplay. For example, one objective is to “collect 50 coins in one run.” Players complete objectives for more points to spend at the upgrade store. You can also view the leaderboard to see who is doing the best at the game. And finally, you can view any recent announcements related to the game.

Share On Social Media

  • We included links to the client website, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, so they can get more traffic and expand when people play their game. For example, players who like the game have the option of sharing their scores on social media.


  • On the settings screen, you can control the music and sound effects, choose different languages, and upgrade to the premium version to remove ads.
In-Game Shopping and Customization
  • The customization page allows you to creatively customize the in-game character. You can use in-game currency to purchase different outfits and powerups for Mrs. Kim. The outfits keep her stylish while the power ups allow her to stay alive longer. There is an option for in-app purchases where users can trade real currency for in-game currency.
Fly to Collect Coins and Dodge Obstacles
  • The basic premise of the game is that players play as the Mrs. Kim character, and your goal is to catch Mr. Kim. By touching the screen, players can make Mrs. Kim fly to collect coins and other items along the run. The goal is to collect the coins and avoid the obstacles. It’s easy to understand but not so easy to do!
  • The game is a 2D side scroller. Users play until they hit an obstacle, at which point the game ends. Players will try to reach more challenging goals and collect more coins to buy powerups, which will help them last longer.
  • During gameplay, players can tap the “pause” button to view their progress on certain missions, for example “Reach 250 meters in one run.” There are buttons to retry, resume, or exit the game, or adjust the sound.
  • At the end of the level, you’ll have the chance to share your score over social media.
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