If a patient comes to the site, they might be in a hurry and would need information. So we kept the emergency number at the very top, along with the directions. Someone can click on the directions to pull up Google Maps to show them how to reach their destination. This is so that someone having an emergency can quickly access all the information they need and get medical care as fast as possible.
How Can We Help You?
- Request an appointment By clicking here, users will be redirected to a form. When they fill out the form with all the relevant details, select a doctor, and input dates
- Download Emergency App When you click on it you will be sent to the Google Play store, where you can download the app.
- Find a Doctor Here you can find a doctor by doctor name. Or, if you don’t know the doctor’s name, you can simply select the department and the doctor’s name will be populated in the field. You can select a doctor and view their profiles and book an appointment with that doctor.
- Ask a Doctor When you click this tab, a form pops up. You can simply write in the question you wish to ask, along with your contact information. Doctors will review it and send you answers.
Information Menu
There are menu items users can use to navigate the site. Sections include “About Medica,” “Specialities and Services” “Patients and Visitors” a “Media” section, a “Contact” section, and “Careers.” These menu items lead to drop downs where the user can learn more about each item.
Home Page
- At A Glance There’s a slider just underneath the header that displays different parts of the hospital. Under that is a graphic image that displays at a glance information regarding hospital size and capability.
- Download Emergency App When you click on it you will be sent to the Google Play store, where you can download the app.
- Find a Doctor Here you can find a doctor by doctor name. Or, if you don’t know the doctor’s name, you can simply select the department and the doctor’s name will be populated in the field. You can select a doctor and view their profiles and book an appointment with that doctor.
- Ask a Doctor When you click this tab, a form pops up. You can simply write in the question you wish to ask, along with your contact information. Doctors will review it and send you answers.