Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) for iOS Food Delivery App

Technology Stack

  • Laravel iconLaravel
  • MySQL iconHTML
  • MySQL iconCSS
Loan Comparison Platform Development

The Client

A leading solution provider in the oil and gas production sector, Industrial Data Management (IDM) offers automation services for upstream, midstream, and downstream operations.

The Challenge

The Challenge

Disjointed and time-consuming processes across oil well operations and asset management led to operational inefficiencies for IDM. They were looking for an automated system that would help them monitor workflows seamlessly and track progress. For this, they approached Capital Numbers. IDM wanted us to develop a responsive web application that would allow the users to update data and reports about oil-fields in real-time.

Earlier, the oil field workers or pumpers used to note down data manually at the field site and update the same in a computerized system after getting back to the office. This often led to duplicate data entry and unnecessary delays. We had to develop a digitized system to help the client eliminate this cumbersome process and speed up the work.

For this, we focused on creating a robust web app that would enable the users to:

  • Search locations of oil wells (e.g., Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, etc.)
  • Learn about oil properties (e.g., pressure, density, concentration, viscosity, composition, etc.)
  • Manage assets (e.g., oil tanks, reservoirs, wells, etc.)
  • Track pumper routes
  • Produce reports
The Solution

The Solution

We, at Capital Numbers, always maintain a conviction that with each of our projects, we will deliver meaningful value to our client. This time, too, we worked towards creating high-business value for IDM that can help them turn their inefficiencies into strengths.

We created a web app that replaces the age-based and ineffective data collection model with faster data management and reporting methods. The app is a well-crafted automation system that helps its admin closely monitor crucial data (captured by the pumpers) such as:

  • Drilling sites
  • Tank number
  • Tank ID
  • Field Terminal Platform or FTP
  • Oil barrels

and more.

For creating this app, our technology specialists went ahead with Laravel because of its top-notch security mechanism and unparalleled authorization logic. Moreover, Laravel allows caching that’s perfect for quick data retrieval, something which is immensely important for this IDM project.

To offer a responsive web layout and ensure fantastic user experience, our coders used CSS and HTML. Our coding specialists integrated relevant business intelligence tools into the app for instant reporting from the oil fields at any time. .

Features icon


Through enhanced scripting and automation solutions, our dedicated engineers created a custom-made web app that enables data input and report generation, precisely the way IDM wants.


The app admin can successfully maintain a list of users or pumpers (containing their names, email addresses, contact numbers, and activity statuses) to better track, plan and manage oil field operations.


Easy tracking of oil well locations and regions can help the admin get information about where the operators are carrying out their tasks, thereby gaining transparency.

Asset Management

The app enables the admin to get meaningful and valuable insights into the assets (e.g., oil tanks, rigs, reservoirs, drilling sites, etc.), for smart decision making.

Pumper Management

This easy-to-use app helps the admin get day-to-day oil drilling reports, manage the pumpers, plan their routes, and minimize their idling.


Our ability to create a power-packed centralized monitoring system, offering absolute data accuracy, was something our client was highly impressed with. They shared a 5-star Google review with us that stated:

“I have been working with Capital Numbers for 4 months on some complicated website applications and am very satisfied with their work.”

Trusted and Tested

Allowing instant data sharing and eliminating error-prone paperwork, the app has already been used in oil and gas companies for achieving operational excellence.

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97 Out Of 100 Clients Have Given Us A Five Star Rating On Google & Clutch

Emily NyazCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Michael WendlandtCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Jon KayserCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Bernice AngCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Ryan DaviesCapital Numbers 5/ 5
Richard HarperCapital Numbers 5/ 5
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