Scalable Translator app

Technology Stack

  • HTML iconHTML
  • css iconCSS
  • react iconReact
  • Jquery iconJquery
Loan Comparison Platform Development

The Client

Echo is a US-based company, which partners with innovators, entrepreneurs, and startups who are looking to expand their business and grow.

They wanted a high-end mobile app which would power text-to-text and voice-to-text translations on the go, and help language barriers to crumble away. For this, they preferred to collaborate with a service provider who they could trust.

The Challenge

The Challenge

Echo was ready to outsource their app development project to CN because they knew that their project would be in good hands.

Like always, CN focused on developing the best-in-class product for its client, no matter what the obstacles were.

  • Firstly, CN had to develop an app that would ensure superb translation quality.
  • We had to ensure that the app comes with cross-platform capabilities and high scalability.
  • The slightest inaccuracy in the app could lead to serious repercussions on the brand image of our client.
  • 100% on-time project delivery had to be our priority.
The Solution

The Solution

When we landed this project from Echo, we had to ensure that each demand of the client is met without any error.

We analyzed the industry landscape and decided to use Google Translate for the app. Our senior developers suggested that Google APIs would speed up the text-detection and speech recognition processes. With a capacity to translate over 60 languages, Google Translate was considered to be the best fit for its text-to-text and voice-to-text functionalities.

Our team proposed React Native for its fast development cycle. React Native also came with third-party plugin support which offered better scalability. React’s code reusability also helped our team save time and cost.

To fast-track the app development process, we used Firebase knowing that Firebase offers a realtime database and backend as a service. This helped our developers eliminate the added cost, time and resources required to develop a separate backend.

Results icon

The Results

Finally, after implementing the above strategies, our team could successfully deliver a project with absolute finesse and competence, adding another feather to its cap.


CN developed a power-packed Echo Translate app, which supports accurate translations for multiple languages including English, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, French, Swedish, Hindi, and more


The cross-platform app runs smoothly on both Android and iOS devices, enabling hassle-free translations for multiple users across the globe.


Echo Translate has already hit over 100 downloads within just days after launch.


The client is happy and they have approached us once again, this time for the development of a location-based dating app which would help people connect to their potential matches.

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