Digital board game image

Technology Stack

  • PHP iconPHP
  • MySQL iconMySQL
  • Unity3d iconUnity3d Game Engine
The Challenge

The Challenge

The client wanted a digital game that would function as a board game.

It would involve four players, have different difficulty settings, and also feature a variety of tricks, strategies, and functions to keep the gameplay competitive. This game will communicate among human players in realtime by using multiplayer framework in turn based mode.

The Solution

The Solution

Goldfix is similar to monopoly.

The players roll virtual dice to determine how they advance on the board. Players claim assets, make money, and collect gold bullion to win.

The app comes with a set of interesting features and functionalities that let the players stay glued to the game. The players can own four kinds of cards, namely, the Drill report card, the Mine Lease Cards, the Bank Cards and the Risk Card. There are different values that are attached to these cards too.

Each player gets to roll the virtual dice, and when the roll scores a particular point, the player moves and crosses various sections of the board, based on the point. Some of these sections or squares include Bank Square, Risk Square, Corporation Tax Square, Budget Day Square, Broker Squares, etc. Each of these sections or squares involves a set of activities like paying corporate taxes, generating overdraft loans, liquidating bullions, repaying loans, taking part in auctions, and more. We were successful in creating well-defined and well-structured sections, with cutting-edge tools, that helped the users get an immersive virtual gaming experience.

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  • Players have have four types of cards: Mine Lease Cards, Drill report Card, Risk Card, and Bank cards.
  • We start with two Bank cards, each of which has the value of $250,000,000. Mine Lease cards are worth $25,000,000 and one drill report card is worth $10,000,000
  • A risk card appears when you land on the risk square.

Overdraft Loans

If you don’t have sufficient money for the taxes or buying something, then an overdraft loan will be automatically generated to your account. One Debt card and $230,000,000 will be automatically added to your account.

Bank Square

If you pass or land on the Bank Sqaure, it will ask if you want a $250,000,000 loan. If you say yes, then one Debt card will be added to your account and with that, $250,000,000 will be added to your cash.

Liquidate Bullion

If you want to sell some bullion you can liquidate it. No other player will receive a notification that you have performed this action.


If you land on a Risk Square, you’ll have the option to take a risk or not. If you choose “no” nothing will happen, but if you choose “yes,” then you’ll draw a risk card. There are ten types of positive Risk Cards and ten types of negative Risk Cards. You have to draw a card and do what it says.


If you land on two sixes, that’s a strike and you miss two turns

Corporation Tax Square

When a player crosses the Corporation Tax square, if he has any kind of cards or headgear, he has to pay the corporate tax a percentage according to the assets.

Budget Day Square

if you land on this square, your taxes will be regenerated to be either “high” or “low.” If it lands on “low,” you pay a lower tax, and if it lands on “high,” you pay a higher tax.


  • Players can purchase headgear to go on their Mine Lease cards. By putting headgear on the property, they claim that property. For example, if you have the “Racoon” Mine Lease card, you can buy headgear for it. Or if you have the “Eagle” Mine Lease card, you can purchase headgear for that, too.
  • Whenever you pass a piece of land with headgear that you own, your gold will be increased. If you land on your own square, you get 100 gold bullion. If you land on others squares, they receive fifty gold bullion.
  • If you have no gold bullion, you pay no taxes.

Broker Squares

  • When you land on a Broker square, you can select a percentage between 10% and 25% and click “no” or “yes.” Click “no,” and nothing happens. But when you click “yes,” everyone gets notified about how much gold bullion they can sell. And the main player will receive 90% of that, and the “broker” will receive 10% of each other player’s contribution.
  • When you land on the Corner Market square, you again get to act as a broker for all players and collect a broker’s fee when players decide to sell gold

Bank Loans and Repayment

You can repay loans with cash or by selling some assets. For example, if the player has $295,000,000 in the bank, they can click on “repay loan.” One Debt Card and $250,000,000 will be deducted from that player’s cash. So whenever the player has $250.000,000 with the $5,000,000 extra, he or she can repay the loan.


  • Whoever lands on the mine lease or dill report auction will receive a 10% commission from all the other players. So all the other players have to repay 10% extra for every mine lease and drill report auction. Plus, for a mine lease auction, each player will receive one Mine Lease card of their own.
  • In Trial Mode, you don’t have to take part in the auction. But the Professional and Advanced Modes, you have to take part.
  • If there are four players, three cards will be generated, and the players have to put their bid into the auction panel to win this card. The highest bid will always win.
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