The user can log in to the app, see the list of existing publishers, add custom CSS and JS, and activate and deactivate cards.
Edit, Add, and Customize a List of Publishers
- Here you can see all the publisher cards. For each publisher card, we have a separate file where custom files are being written. These are accessed whenever you open a publisher website. It calls the files from the server, and from there it finds the exact JS file you need.
- Users can edit the information from a particular publisher, i.e. the publisher name.
- Users can also pull up the relevant CSS and JS files in each card. If the code is wrong, there is the option to include a link detailing the error, so the developer can go back and fix it.
- That way, individual files can be fixed without affecting the whole advertising campaign.
Functional Browsing
- We can sort by ascending or descending order. There’s a search function to quickly and easily search by names.
- There’s a bulk action tab to activate or deactivate. You can select and perform the action on individual cards, or you can just select all and activate or deactivate them.
- When you select “add a new card,” you can add the publisher name, and email, the host name, and custom CSS or JS. Then the file is added.
- We can also pull up a list of other users. The users are the only ones who can access the tool and make the changes. You can edit, search, and select them just like the list of publishers.