Doctor patient coordinating iamge

Technology Stack

  • Symfony2 iconSymfony 2
  • Mysql iconMysql
The Challenge

The Challenge

Doctors and patients alike have a need of mobile platform where they can coordinate better. By allowing patients to schedule from their own homes, or allowing doctors to check up on patients remotely, they experience the best medical assistance possible.

The Solution

The Solution

We developed Equipo, an online cloud based platform which helps coordination between physician and patient.

This well-structured and well-designed app comes with a comprehensive dashboard that lets doctors monitor and track the health conditions of their patients. There is an AI-based tool, integrated within the app, that lets doctors track the mental health of their patients. This apart, the app helps patients schedule appointments with their preferred doctors and allows doctors to refer their patients to specific clinical labs. In a nutshell, the app serves as a perfect platform for enhanced coordination between doctors and their patients. We were successful in creating an online platform that perfectly met the expectations of our clients.

Feature image


New Patient Directory

You can easily add patients and manage them in an efficient way. Plus, it’s simple to find the details and medical history of the patient with a just a click.

Comprehensive Dashboard

The reporting dashboard provides you with an overall idea of the patient’s condition, and gives you several programs and alerts. It includes the the Risk Board helps you identify the patient's risks and put them on the proper care plan, to optimize the outcomes of patients who have chronic diseases.

Cutting-Edge AI Analysis

The IBM Watson Cognitive Service provides sentiment analysis of the mental health patients. This allows doctors to get an accurate report of their progress and prescribe treatments accordingly.

Mobile Friendly

Telemedicine makes the system more powerful. Patients can schedule their appointments from home with the help of the Equipo mobile app. In fact, not only can they schedule appointments from anywhere in the world, but they can also request their favorite physicians.

Advanced Work Board

  • Here, you can manage, distribute, and monitor tasks within your hospital, staff, and patients.
  • This is an efficient referral system which helps coordination between labs, doctors, and patients. Doctors can refer the patient to a given clinical lab for specific tests and can get the results online directly from the labs.
  • Appointment, scheduling, and rounds management make it easy to operate the clinics and hospitals and keep everything running smoothly.
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