Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) for iOS Food Delivery App

Technology Stack

  • Laravel iconLaravel
  • Bootstrap iconBootstrap
  • MySQL Leaflet icon MySQL
  • Stripe iconStripe
Loan Comparison Platform Development

The Client

This is a leading-edge website that facilitates and accelerates eCommerce by assuring a secure financial settlement between buyers and sellers of any services/products.

The Challenge

The Challenge

Capital Numbers had to develop this website from scratch to help buyers and sellers better manage their monetary transactions through simple, intuitive interactions.

Our goal was to integrate new enhancements, including user management, wallet management, project management, payment management, reports, notifications, etc., to expand the website’s capabilities.

We also had to ensure that this platform loads payments into intermediary funds and doesn't release or remove funds without the involved parties' consent.

That is, we had to shield all buyers and sellers with escrow protection so that no party suffers from frauds, nonpayments, or dubious occurrences.

The Solution

The Solution

Capital Numbers initiated this project by working out a high-level system architecture that can:

  • Track movement of funds
  • Monitor progress of contractual projects
  • Ensure speculation-free transactions

We used the Waterfall method to segment the software development life cycle (SDLC) into small, multiple phases. Waterfall allowed us to complete each stage before moving on to the next, eliminating overlaps and offering a sequential workflow.

The tech stack we used included the following:

We chose Laravel for the backend because of its solid authorization and authentication systems, integration with mail services, and excellent exception handling capabilities. This apart, Laravel guards apps from severe security risks like cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and SQL injection. Therefore, this PHP framework was our top choice.

We used Bootstrap for the frontend. Bootstrap comes with responsive structures that help with customizable app layouts and templates. It also provides an array of plugins for creating beautiful navigation, dropdowns, breadcrumbs, and other components for a rich interface.

Our team picked MySQL to streamline and manage the database. MySQL is memory-efficient, flexible, scalable, and highly productive. Plus, it provides unmatched data security, which protects sensitive information. Undoubtedly, MySQL was the safest choice for this eCommerce website that involved frequent money transfers.

Finally, we used Stripe as the payment gateway. Stripe’s well-documented API helped us quickly set up and integrate. Also, Stripe is one of the best payment solutions that offer a flawless checkout process at a low-cost.

Features icon


Our carefully-curated stack implemented through the step-by-step Waterfall approach helped us create an escrow-based payment platform for the online marketplaces.

Capital Numbers provided high-end digital capabilities and custom features to ensure buyers’ funds and sellers’ offerings remain 100% secure.

Our primary contributions included the following:

Wallet Management

We wanted the users to manage their wallets, add debit/credit cards, and monitor transaction history (i.e., wallet deposits/withdrawals) at their convenience and comfort.

Project Management

We wanted to ensure that the users assign projects to other parties and release funds from the escrow only when the concerned parties meet the contractual commitments, thereby facilitating risk-free transactions.


Our engineers integrated push notifications to send urgent reminders (e.g., project creations, fund releases, wallet top-ups, etc.), thereby increasing user engagement in a non-intrusive way.

User Management

We provided the admin the ability to provision, de-provision, edit, and modify user access centrally to improve identity management and deny unauthorized requests.

Payment Management

Our team centralized end-to-end payment cycles between all parties so that the admin can monitor payment flows and reduce duplication.

Content Management

We offered complete control over content management for the admin to quickly update web pages and manipulate content without the fear of unintentionally changing the design.


We embedded reports focusing on user wallet deposits/withdrawals to help the admin collect data streams, uncover analytics, and map the user journey better.

CSV Data Exports

We offered CSV data exports to enable data downloads in specially-formatted CSV spreadsheets that provide better views for improved analysis.


Our Quality Assurance (QA) team conducted thorough testing to ensure a secure, bug-free user experience with zero vulnerabilities.

A 100% Safe Payment Mechanism

By implementing the above, Capital Numbers could successfully build a 100% safe payment solution that simplifies managing projects and secures money movement.

Our one-stop digital solution can help realtors, procurement professionals, dealers, buyers, etc., transfer funds without worrying about scams or underhand dealings.

We skillfully architected this feature-packed, escrow-style payment service that de-risks milestone transactions for buyers and sellers worldwide.

Our solution architects, developers, and QA professionals worked in close liaison to create this platform that’s no less than a safety net for its users.

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P. AtturCapital Numbers 5/ 5
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DeVon FavorsCapital Numbers 5/ 5
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