Development of On-demand Language Translation App

Technology Stack

  • Laravel iconLaravel
  • Vue.js iconVue.js
  • MySQL iconMySQL
  • ios iconiOS
  • android iconAndroid
Client img

The Client

This language translation app offers text-to-text and video-based translation services in over 200 languages. The app has hundreds of registered human translators who offer paid translation services to end-users. All that the end-users need to do is sign up, add details for translation requests, get quotes, pay the fee, and obtain translation services in quick turnarounds. The best part is that the app connects users with skilled translators on the spot wherever they are.

The Challenge

The Challenge

The platform owner sought Capital Numbers’ help to develop the above app. He wanted us to launch the iOS, Android, and web app versions. Essentially, we had to focus on the following elements for all three versions:

  • Onboard new users daily
  • Allow text-to-text translations
  • Allow video-based translations
  • Calculate translation costs
  • Enable push notifications
  • Align suitable translators as per user requests

The aim was to offer on-demand translations to mobile and web users straight from the app. So, we had to create a cross-device compatible product that feels native on all platforms.

The Solution

The Solution

Capital Numbers pooled in its web app, Android, and iOS developers for the job. Our first task was to get ahead with web app development.

Our web app developers initiated the engagement using Laravel as the backend. We chose Laravel because we needed enormous scalability, traffic handling capacities, user authentication options, and third-party compatibility. Secondly, we used Vue.js and Alpine.js to keep the frontend lightweight. We also leveraged Node.js benefits to write this real-time app that demanded live video translations and chats.

Next, we started with Android app development. Our Android team used Kotlin because of its short, precise, and readable code. We also used Retrofit2 to speed up all API call requests within the app. With Android Material Design, we upgraded the visual interface of the app.

Thirdly, we got ahead with developing the iOS version, for which we chose Swift 5 because it allows powerful and intuitive programming. Swift is secure and low-maintenance as well. We modified the frontend and backend code using Xcode 13.3, which also allows easy debugging.

Apart from the above, we integrated the following in all three versions:

We used Twilio’s video SDK to allow high-quality video calls within the apps. Using Stripe, we enabled recurrent in-app payments. We enabled real-time push notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). To help users understand and see what’s happening within the dashboard, we used Pusher.

Once done with all, we ran end-to-end manual tests before moving the web, iOS, and Android apps to AWS EC2, Apple App Store, and Google Play Store, respectively. Because we used the MVVM design for the iOS and Android versions, we could thoroughly test these mobile UIs without affecting their underlying code and ensure a faster launch.

There were challenges while ensuring the correctness of everything from start to finish. But, things became easier because we executed it all in phases using the Waterfall method.

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The engagement lasted for seven months, ending with the client appreciating our ability to use an elaborate tech stack so skillfully. Open communications with the client via Google Meet and Teamwork further allowed us to implement everything as planned.

We finally delivered an easy-to-use translation app that looks great on all devices. It comes with a multitude of benefits like:

A Marketplace for Translations

Our solution is a translation marketplace that supports hundreds of users because of its MySQL-powered database backend.

Growing User Base

Our simple sign-up forms increase users' registrations across countries and cultures.

Text-to-text Translations

We made provisions to translate MS doc, Google doc, Excel, Text, and even PDF files.

Translation Cost Calculations

We wrote code to help the admin calculate translation costs based on the word count users upload.

Translator Mapping

We also wrote custom code to align users with the best-fit translators in the app.

Real-time Video Translations

Our Twilio-based solution allows users to video call translators in real-time in case of urgencies in airports, embassies, etc.

Scheduled Video Translations

The solution allows scheduled video calls, too, if urgencies aren’t that high.

Pop-up Alerts

FCM helped us send pop-up alerts like payment notifications that spring up on users’ devices.

In-dashboard Alerts

Pusher allowed us to alert users about in-dashboard updates like availability/non-availability of translators.

Custom Third-party APIs

We went the extra mile to customize code for Twilio and Stripe to cater to a few specifics we needed in the project.

On-demand Translations

Capital Numbers’ skillful customizations ultimately helped the client deliver an on-demand translation app that caters to all translation needs 24x7.

Web and Mobile Supported

Desktop, iOS, and Android users can now order translations, monitor progress, and pay the fee from this app.

Anywhere, Anytime Translations

Today, our solution is a pocket interpreter offering translations anywhere, anytime. It has benefited the client who finds in us an invested partner ready to take care of every requirement to a T.

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