Cinemaxx movie ticket app

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The Client

Cinemaxx is one of the biggest cinema chains in Indonesia. It is owned by the successful real estate development company Lippo Group, and was launched in 2014. Since then they have opened cinemas across the country that range from kid-oriented play palaces to luxury viewing rooms with recliner seats and dining options.

The Challenge

The Challenge

To give movie-goers an application that allows them access to theater schedules, movie trailers, and ticket booths from their mobile device. Cinemaxx also wants viewers to be able to save and review their viewing preferences to improve their experiences with successive use.

The Cinemaxx app is an easy way for users to access movie schedules, trailers, and book tickets online and on-the-go. Users simply have to sign up and they can can select the movie they want to see at the theater they want to visit, then enjoy the luxuries and amenities of the different cinema halls while avoiding box office lines.

The Solution

The Solution

The client wanted an app which would enhance the experience of the movie-goers. They were looking for a scalable and fully-featured application which would help users get details about theatres, discounts on movie tickets, showtimes, trailers, and seating arrangements inside a movie hall.

We took this as a challenge and focused on developing an app which would step up the movie watching process for the cine-goers. We created an app which helps users filter locations of cinema halls, browse movie descriptions and ratings, select the kind of luxuries they prefer, choose viewing experiences (for instance, Cinema Junior theatres feature beanbag seating), get updates on latest movie releases, and more. The app also allows the users to view their past purchases and promotional offers to enhance their future experiences.

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  • The schedule allows users to filter lists of cinema halls to match a location convenient to them. From the Schedule page they can either select from theaters in a certain city, or pick the Near Me filtering option to show only cinemas in the user's vicinity. The theaters have their addresses displayed, as well as the type of viewing options the theater offers (Regular, Gold, XD and Junior). Then the user can select a theater to see its films and showtimes and order tickets for the current or an upcoming day.
  • They then can browse lists of movies available in the theater, view the trailers and movie descriptions, and see upcoming debuts. Also from this page they can see the movies' ratings and showtimes at the particular cinema hall to ensure an appropriate, convenient viewing.


  • To keep users up-to-date regarding new releases and theater events and activities, the app offers the News option, where users can get news regarding cinema halls and various films. The user stay informed about approaching debuts and their theaters' upcoming activities and events.
  • Dynamic tickets booking mechanism

    • After user has decided on a movie, the app suggests various theatres, and they can book a ticket based on their preferences.
    • The app facilitates ticket booking based on various factors such as location, experience, and preferred ticket pricing. App users often also get to select their preferred seating position before they finalize on a theatre.

Cinema Junior, Cinema Gold, and Ultra XD options

  • Cinemaxx users get to select what kind of experience they want before searching through the movies available. This makes it easier for them to quickly filter their preferences.
  • Cinemaxx offers a range of viewing experiences. For example, Cinema Junior theaters featuring play rooms and beanbag seating, and to Ultra XD featuring wall-to-wall screens and dining options.
  • If a user does not browse movies through these filters, when they view the Movie Info page there are icons that identify if a movie is offered in Cinema Junior, Cinema Gold, or Ultra XD contexts.

Movie Info

  • Here the user can browse movies currently in theaters and movies that will soon come out, and watch trailers for both. When the viewer is ready, they can also book their tickets from this page by following a short series of prompts.
  • Favourites

    • User can store their favorite movies, cinema halls, and promotional offers to facilitate future cinema experiences.


    • This displays the user’s past purchases and films attended. A user's purchase history can also be accessed through the Maxx Card page, where users can add or remove credit cards to their account and review all upcoming and past purchases.
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