Technology Stack

  • Android iconAndroid
  • PHP iconPHP
  • Core Java iconCore Java
  • Android Studio iconAndroid Studio
The Challenge

The Challenge

The client wanted an app that would allow businesses, customers, and clients to connect easily by uploading and browsing business cards.

The Solution

The Solution

We created an app that would feature easy searches, location integration via Google Maps, contact and information storage.

So, business owners can add their business cards, and make their business easily visible for people to find. Customers can easily search for and find the businesses and services they want. Everything is easy-to-use and quick to search, so businesses stand out and get noticed. Plus, frequent users of the app can save cards for future use.

The app we developed was location-based with Google Map integration. This helped the users find and search for different kinds of business owners, entrepreneurs and industry experts easily. The app comes with features that let users save or remove business cards as per their preferences. Users can look for business cards based on their town, postcode or neighbourhood. As soon as a user finds a list of cards suited to his interest, he can check each card, save the address, email ID and mobile number, to further connect in future. Easy accessibility of business information coupled with seamless navigation make this app even more popular among its users.

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Hardware and Location Integration

  • You have the option to allow the app to access your location using Google Maps, access photos from mobile device, or access the camera. This will make searching, finding, and standing out easier.

Easy Searches

  • You can search by category, for example, “caterer.” You can also search by postcode, town, and distance.
  • Your search will pull up a list of cards that match your search terms, and you can select each one to see its address, email, and phone number. You then have the option to call or otherwise contact the business, making connecting a quick and easy process.
  • If you aren’t logged in, you can still search a database of cards. But logging in with your name, email, and password will give you the additional option to “remove” or “save” cards. If the card has been added to your favorites, you can remove it. If it hasn’t been, you can save it for future use.

Add Your Card and Get Discovered

  • You can also add a card from several different places, like your stored photos, Google Drive, your phone’s file manager, or you can just take a picture and instantly upload it.
  • Your search will pull up a list of cards that match your search terms, and you can select each one to see its address, email, and phone number. You then have the option to call or otherwise contact the business, making connection a quick and easy process. For each card, you can include your business’s title, name and contact information. You can also add a location to make it easier for others to find you.
  • There’s also the option to add a personalized note to help you stand out from the crowd.

Save Your Favorite Cards for Future Use

  • You can see the cards you’ve saved, so you can quickly and easily look up the business and services you need. There’s a search function, plus you can delete cards to keep things uncluttered.
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