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The Challenge

The Challenge

Capitant is an organization that for many years has provided training to students in the financial market.

When the project came to us, they already had a website built. But it had some missing content, needed some updates on the backend, and required additional functionality to keep track of its enormous student database.

Because Capitant makes its money from teaching students, we needed to develop a way for them to register students for courses upon receiving payment. We also needed a system to keep track of which events and certifications students had received. They have over 50,000 students, so this was a sizeable task.

The Solution

The Solution

The technology on some parts was developed using normal PHP, and we updated it using the latest version of Wordpress.

We immediately noticed that the client would benefit from login and register sections. These options were not available before they contacted us, so we set those up. It’s now easier for students to login and register, and it’s easier for administrators to keep track.

We didn’t redesign the website, but we did re-code it for better performance. All the content has been migrated from the old interface to the new interface, so that was a significant task as well, keeping everything intact.

However, we did some restructuring of the pages. Whereas they previously used a left banner and right banner, we simplified it and kept a single-column page structure

We added two options in the site for users to register. If the users choose the first payment option, they get confirmation alerts from the admin through the manual process. If they select the second payment option, they get automated confirmation alerts through the online payment gateway - Payconiq. This apart, we have also added a membership renewal option for the users in the site.

While developing the site, we have added a cutting-edge backend panel from where the admin can access online registration lists, internships, members portal, jobs, events, the name, email and card code of students, lists of existing and new members, and renewal requests. We were successful in meeting the business requirements of our client. Capitant Study was happy with our commitment and quality service.

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Initially when the project was brought to us, the registration and renewal were not planned features. They were added separately later on when we found that they would help the client keep track of their members.

Registration and Renewal
  • Users have two options. The first is to register by paying cash. If users select this option, a request will go to the admin and then the admin will activate their account after receiving payment.
  • The second is a a Payconiq option, which was requested by the client. What happens is that when someone selects this option, then when the payment debited to the account, that account is activated automatically.
  • We also included a membership renewal option, so students can simply pay and renew their membership without having to re-register.
Card code

The client has a physical scanning system to scan the cards of their students. From there they get information such as who has attended which events. We added a feature that automatically adds student card codes into the website when they scan.


If you log in as an admin, you’ll get access to the backend. Here, the admin can manage the online registration list, members portal, jobs, internships, teams, and events.

Members Portal
  • Because Capitant has close to 50,000 users, what they needed was a single dashboard panel to give them all the information at a glance. We created the Members Portal for that purpose.
  • The admin or whoever is controlling the backend can look at a member using this portal and see how many external, internal, and trip events they’ve attended. (Capitant uses this information to provide internships and certificates). You can also see their activation status and see if they need to renew.
Search and Filter

This makes it easier to manage the data. It’s possible to search users by by their email, name or card code. The admin can also filter users by which events they’ve attended.

New Members

New members can be added by the admin by using the new member form, and from there the admin can also renew any existing member.

Online Registration List

When someone is registered, they’re added to the online registration list. If the users are paying in cash, the admin simply goes to the online registration section and activates their account once they receive the cash.


Here the admin can see and approve renewal requests.

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