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The Challenge

The Challenge

Client wanted to develop a news platform in Arabic.

The platform covers headlines from across multiple news sources and sites while covering different topics such as politics, sports, entertainment, etc. The admin has control over the content, which can be updated any time from a web based admin panel.

The Solution

The Solution

Since project inception, we were understood that the nature of the content would need to be dynamic.

Astrolabe was specifically made to bring fresh, up-to-date stories, so it focuses on bringing user new and particular details of the news. We designed it so the admin can manage the content presentation and may choose to highlight certain important news by placing it on top of the feed.

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Dynamic news feed update

All the news feeds are dynamically fetched from the backend to be presented on the app end for various categories.

User Registration for Preferences mapping

  • You can login with your email and password, or you can select Social Login (Facebook or Twitter). When you login with social media, it will redirect to the app, ask you to continue logging in with the app, and then import all details of your social into Astrolabe app.
  • You can also register with mail. You have options to add your photo, and customize your name, email, and password.
  • There is an option for “Forgot Password” in case you forget your password. Reset your password by entering your email address
  • There is an option to skip login and view app without logging in. If you skip login, it will bring you to the home screen and you can view all news posted to the app. There are two navigation tabs at the top of the screen -- All Categories of News and My Preferences. On the first screen, there are news screens. The second screen gives you preference options. You can manage your preferences by registering into the application.
  • If logged in, you can view an “edit profile” option. Here you can change your name, swipe notifications on/off or even edit categories.
  • When you register and login for the first time, it will prompt you to choose your preferential news categories to add to your Preference tab. These categories include politics, entertainment, the economy, technology, and others.
  • You can press back and forth between two tabs here that show your preferences and the preferred news categories.
  • On your preferences, you can hold and drag to change the order in which they appear. You can also swipe the category to the left and it offers a “delete” option. Then you’ll press down in the top right corner and it will save.


  • You are able to search for news by keyword right from within the app. Just type in keywords to view search results. You can press from the results to show news from that topic.
  • You can then choose one of the news where it will redirect you to a new page showing that news, then you can also swipe up to view more results from that news. (View image and texts from that news, images are viewable on their one and able to zoom in).
  • Can press on links to be redirected to a web page or software reader with more details of the news.


Users get multiple options to share any news you want to share, including “message,” “mail”, “notes”, airdrop, and others. They can also can copy the news link. This is achieved by integration of native easy share feature on both iOS and android platform.


Notifications are an important feature incorporated into the app. They help users stay updated with news happenings without constantly opening the app. If you choose to receive notifications, they will appear in a notification bubble at the top of the phone’s screen. Users can press the notification bubble and it will show an image, the title of the news article, and the text of the news article. You can select it to view the full details of the news on the app.

In-App Navigation

  • Users can access the Navigation Menu at the top right corner, OR they can get there by swiping from home page. These menu options let users choose which categories of news they want to see.
  • Each menu option is clickable to show you content and the particulars (image, title, text) of the content. Just like the front page of a physical newspaper, it offers users the important news first, followed by other topics of news.
  • If user scroll to the bottom of the page of news, it will continue to load more feeds. To return to the top of this page, just press the “Astrolabe” logo at the top of the screen and it will scroll the screen back to the top of the news page.

News Categorization

  • The news is categorized under various topics for ease of navigation. These include Political, Science, Technology, Culture and Society, Miscellaneous, and others.
  • Each of these categories will bring up list of news articles that user can browse through or tap to view in detail. News articles will navigate the user to the mobile browser to the source of the news article.


User will get option to activate/disable notifications from settings section in the app which will also have options such as: About Astrolabe, Contact Us, Rate the App on the App Store, App Version Details, and an option to share the app with friends.

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