Home Page
- Users land on the home page. Here, they can see at a glance what Amelio offers. The organization provides educational solutions suitable for children anywhere--at school, in daycare, or at home. Offers include plans based around objects for the children to handle, immersive activities, training and resources for educators and parents, and more.
- Plus, there’s a free audio activity the user can download if they scroll to the bottom of the page. They simply have to enter their email address to get it.
About Page
- So who is Amelio, and what is the company’s vision? Users can land on the about page to get a brief overview.
- Overall, the company uses an educational method that places the development of the child and the transmission of knowledge at the center of everything it creates. This approach to learning depends on its team of high-level education, childhood, and scientific experts.
Here, users can find posts and content uploaded from the backend. Only some posts are displayed for easier scrolling, but visitors can see all the posts by clicking on the “show more articles” button. Only the beginnings of posts are shown, but visitors only have to click on any post title to see the full post.
Voyage Page
- On the voyage page, visitors are given the option to go on an imaginary, immersive journey. The game consists of actively listening to an audio recording, while children are encouraged to mimic the story told to him or hear--thereby learning while having fun. This is a sample of the way Amelio approaches learning.
- There’s an option to download instructions at the bottom of the page.