Why Your Best Remote Hire is the Next One

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Having created a new business or startup, it is understandable that entrepreneurs prefer to hire virtual employees as compared to an in-house regular employee base. Having virtual workers or remote hires as they are also called can present a host of benefits for your business. To begin with, you can avoid having to incur administrative overheads, nor will you have to lease office space to accommodate them. In addition, you’ll only have to pay salaries according to the hours they spend on your tasks. If you are at a loss about how to find and hire the best remote talent out there, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Match Remote Hires to the Tasks at Hand

Instead of creating an entire team right away, it is advisable to hire skills as and when you need them. For instance, should you need to develop a smart marketing strategy, you could hire the necessary experts that can search out and find the perfect markets and guide you. Ready to take your business online? Go ahead and look for remote hires like web designers, developers, link builders, writers, SEO specialists and other skilled people to assist you. When your business grows large enough for the need for expert accountants, hire them. In this way, you’ll be able to create a diverse team of resources and highly efficient people that are able to deliver on the requirements of your company.

Look for a Great Online Portal

Take the time to look for great online portals and social media networks where you can find the remote hires or freelancers you need. There are many sites where prospective employers can connect with talented people that work on a part-time or as-needed basis. Check details of past jobs along with references, reviews, and feedback from clients they have worked with in the past. You could also post the details of the task you have in mind and make your choice from the applicants that contact you. Take care, though, that you provide the maximum amount of information you can about the job. By doing this, you’ll ensure that only the people with the perfectly matched skills reach out to you.

Consider Hiring on a Trial Basis

An effective hiring strategy is to sign on two to three candidates and assign the same task to all of them. Depending on the work they do for you and their performance, you’ll be able to pick out the best employee for your enterprise. Letting them know that there are other candidates in the running is another smart idea. You’ll find that the dedicated people stay on and strive to do better while others are not willing to take on the challenge. This strategy can help you choose the workers that can help you take your company to greater heights.

Factors to Consider – Dynamism

When choosing the perfect candidate, look for personality traits that indicate a dynamic, go-getting attitude. For instance, the candidate should be proactive and interested in the products, services and general operations of your company. Such people are willing to take initiatives and look for solutions to issues they see without being asked. They are capable of problem solving and focus on getting the job done, even if it means taking unconventional approaches. Such personnel can prove invaluable for your startup.

Factors to Consider – Communication

Since you’re working with remote hires, the most important factor to consider is communication. You’ll need to issue instructions and discuss projects and tasks over the internet by way of emails. This is why; candidates need to be proficient at understanding what you say and capable of relaying information of tasks they have completed. You’ll also need them to interact and work efficiently with the rest of your team, if needed, without your constant supervision. This form of synchronization is very essential for the smooth operations of your company.

Once you’ve created the perfect remote hire team, make sure you maintain it. Pay them well and offer bonuses from time to time in appreciation for the work they do for you. Be open to giving referrals and feedback when they need it. These strategies will ensure employee retention and the continued success of your company over a long time.


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