Smashing Magazine December Issue – A Reason to Celebrate

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It seems the festive season has already begun for us. On the very first day of the Christmas month, Capital Numbers has a lot to celebrate. Three wallpapers designed for the month of December, was submitted, selected and published in Smashing Magazine. And this was made possible owing to the great efforts of the design team.


The three wall papers published by Smashing Magazine are:
“Icy December” Designed by Abhijit Sarkar
“Winter Woolly Days” Designed by Santu Bank
“Santastic December” Designed by Deepra Bhattacharya

While congratulating the team Mukul Gupta, Managing Director, said “Extremely proud of the team and their smart work! We must not let lose our enthusiasm to be better each day than the day before. Let us be an inspiration to other designers. Congratulations to each one of you.”

Anindya Mukherjee, Director Operations, was overjoyed with this news as it was he who guided the team to send their artwork to the Smashing Magazine. “I am so proud of you all. We should submit wallpapers every month and locate other such sites and submit more designs. It would be great to have a theme for every month. This way we can keep challenging our artistic abilities and produce interesting and useful artwork”.

Smashing Magazine was founded in 2006, and since then it has served as the most useful and innovative platform for Web Designers and Developers.

(To get these original wallpapers or to have a customized one please write to



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