Remote Full Stack Developers: Who They are, What they do, and How to Hire Them

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It’s any employer’s dream to be able to hire someone who can handle every part of web development. If a problem arises, they’ll know exactly how to fix it or find a workaround. They are real and they are known as Full Stack Web Developers. Here we’ll talk about what these developers do, how to get in touch with one, and what questions you ought to ask during the interviewing process.

What is a full stack web developer?

So, what is a full stack web developer? Simply put, they know how to work with every facet of web development, from the user interface to the API to the business behind the server and its network. They are more than just someone who handles code; they have excellent knowledge of what makes for a great web experience and more importantly how to implement it. Administration, both frontend and backend, design, and how it all works on the OS of choice.

Being a full stack web developer doesn’t necessarily mean that they excel at every single aspect of development, but it does mean that they have the knowledge necessary to make all of the intricacies work together, even when working with a part that they don’t like as much.

“Full stack” refers to the different layers involved with development. These layers include things like the operating system, server side code, the web server itself, and the browser. All of these components are “stacked” together in order to create functional web service or application. A full stack developer can make all of the parts work in harmony to produce a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience for their users.

As the platforms these developers continue to change and evolve, it forces them to stay up-to- date with what programming languages work best with operating systems. Using an outdated method of app development could result in a dysfunctional and buggy application.

Full-stack web developers are challenged to stay up-to- date on all of the latest trends within their fields. If Apple updates iOS and changes the overall look, the dev’s app is in jeopardy of appearing outdated compared to the look and feel of other apps. It’s now up to them to learn about the current trend Apple has created. This includes researching how to make their app look congruent with Apple’s new design, how to successfully connect the back-end to the front-end, and making sure that the programming language they’re using is compatible with Apple’s new system.

Where to hire remote full stack developers

Okay, knowing what a full stack developer does is great and all, but how can you get someone with that level of talent on your team? Toptal and Upwork are very proud of their full stack developers. Toptal displays profiles for all of their remote full stack devs so everyone can see how accomplished they are. Outsource development sites like Capital Numbers also have a number of full stack developers available for hire.

Choosing the best place to hire a remote full stack developer can be difficult. You may have to interview potential candidates from multiple sites in order to determine who will be the best fit for the position.

Important interview questions to ask

Even though full stack developers claim to be proficient in every aspect of web development, they can’t realistically be experts with every part of the development process. As you interview, there are some things that you should keep in mind:

Ask about their work history to find out what kind of projects they’ve been involved in and what they had to do. Have them give links to their past work and have them explain how they made each project work so you can get a good feel for how they would approach your project.

Find out the areas of development that they enjoy working on the most. While they might have a wide knowledge from many different facets of web development, it doesn’t mean they enjoy every aspect of it. If they feel like they are especially proficient at data modeling or designing a user interface, allow them to primarily express themselves with what they enjoy doing the most.

Keeping track of all the different iterations of an app is crucial, so ask them how they control their versions. Do they use a source-management model or do they go for a distributed revision approach?

Try to find out how they typically work with back-end services. Are they most proficient in PHP, Ruby, or another language? Is there a particular strategy they use or does it depend on the what the job is?

Do they specialize with one particular os? It’s important to find out what they are most comfortable working with or you may end up with a less than stellar product.

Full-stack web developers are an invaluable addition to any development team. Their understanding of the stacks and experience working with them will help you reach your goals. So what are you waiting for? Get searching for a full stack web developer now!


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