How We Streamlined Student Management For a Client With WordPress

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A Few changes in WordPress Helped a Client Manage 50,000 Members

Using PHP or WordPress? Read this post to see how precise changes can have drastic results.

The client was Capitant, a long-standing organization that has provided training to students in the financial market for quite some time. They have almost 50,000 registered members.

In a nutshell, we simplified their processes and empowered their backend admin with several tools to help them keep track of the students and their events.

First, we restructured their site. They had an old left-banner right-banner structure, but we streamlined everything with a new single column page.

They now also have registration and renewal options. Students pay to register, and they are either automatically registered if they pay online, or manually if they pay with cash. Plus, now they can renew their paid memberships much more easily.

We’ve given the admins a members portal where they can keep track of the students and the events the students have attended. The admins can also keep track of their renewal status.

Another drastic change we made was to automatically add students into the database when they scan their student cards.

The point is this: we made it much easier for Capitant to keep track of all their students, so they aren’t constantly falling behind on renewals. They can now stay on top of their growing list of registered members. And we’ve enabled them to view at a glance the status of their students.

In this way, we simplified their backend and their front-facing features, saving them time and resources.

Want to know more? Go here to read the case study


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