How Enterprise Mobile Apps are Scaling Up Businesses

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These days’ mobile devices are challenging personal computers with over billions of smartphones in use. Mobile is really the new face of customer engagement. No matter what your business is, if your business is available online and plus you have a smartphone app that users can download to their devices, your business will do wonders. The majority of mobile users use apps more often than they access the internet. This means that if you are only using a traditional website as a marketing tool, you’re missing out on a large portion of your potential customers.
With smartphones and tablets becoming the hardware of choice, there has never been a better time to consider creating your own enterprise app. Building a mobile app in the language of the device ensures maximum speed and access to all functions. As with any software development, it takes time and skills from software engineers, UI designers, project managers, and testers. So, why develop an enterprise app? What benefit could it bring to your organization? There are many but three key ones are: producing a tool specifically for your staff or customers; building brand awareness as a part of the marketing campaign; creating an app to generate new or additional revenue streams.

● One of the key benefits to having an enterprise app is push notifications. When your customers download your apps, you are able to send messages directly to your customers mobile so that they automatically see your offers and promotions.
● Using the enterprise app will allow the customers to have all the information about the business anytime. This will result in improved sales, better service and your customers’ overall experience of your business.
● Basically, an enterprise app can do everything your traditional website can do and loads more. It can help you retain existing and gain new customers.
Looking at your organization there may be many opportunities for creating apps. For example, your sales team can access customer records on the road, or a factory manager can monitor the status of the equipment remotely while off-site. There have been some great brand awareness and viral marketing exercises are done around producing apps that reinforce brand values by delivering a memorable or useful experience to the user. Generating revenue by selling an entertaining or functional app direct to consumers has been very successful for some. Why can’t yours be the next billion-dollar Instagram?
Enterprise apps provide a whole new way of setting up your business and achieving great success. If your app is an extension of your existing business, it’s relatively easy to build and will provide more value to your customers.

Now when it comes to enterprise applications, you always wonder, how much does it cost you. It costs you much lower than those short-term advertisements like newspaper advertisements, TV, or radio commercial. A mobile application can have 2 to 25 screens, or you can call them pages and it depends on how many pages do you want. On an average, an enterprise app of 2 to 4 pages would cost you around USD 400. The app can have an attractive user interface and a few basic surfaces. So if you want to develop an M-commerce app where you can sell 50 products through the application, it may cost you around. Now, this does include the mobile developments and the deployment.
Do you see the difference? By spending USD 900 – USD 1100, you have your application that you can use as the best marketing tool forever.


1. A better way to reach and stay connected to customers: Firstly, enterprise apps act as an enhanced way to reach customers when they are on the move and aren’t in front of the computer. For example, eBay and Amazon apps work better on mobile phones than their respective websites.
2. Increases business efficiency: Secondly, enterprise apps act as a catalyst to improve your business processes especially if your employees travel often. For example, repairmen can replace a clipboard for a tablet. The app on the tablet will ensure information is recorded accurately and doesn’t need to be typed up later. An enterprise app also forces a particular order which basically means that the safety checks cannot be neglected.
3. A marketing tool: Enterprise apps can also be used as a PR or marketing tool to boost repeat business. For example, the Nando’s Restaurant app is great for customers as they can order food and also receive coupon codes for discounts.
4. Enterprise app for product enhancement: Customers are the assets of a company. A company having an app can ask their customers to write a review about a product they purchased or they can also invite suggestions from the customers for new products or upgraded versions of existing products.
5. Find out customer details: By using an enterprise app, your sales team can access customer records on the road, or a factory manager can monitor the status of the equipment remotely while off-site.


● If you rely on repeat customers, maintaining a relationship with them is crucial.
● If your customers are young and are spending more time on phones and tablets than they are watching television.
● If your customers are mobile and you want to offer them great service no matter where they are.
● If you want to modernize your business, you should definitely go for developing an app for your business.
● If you have an online service which is complex and would benefit from a mobile version.
● If you want a PR or marketing tool. The options here are only limited by your imagination.
● If you want to enhance your product or service through mobile technology making use of the hardware that people already own.

Hopefully, some of this will have struck a chord and you have begun to realize the potential enterprise apps can bring to your business.

Finally, it is also worth considering that technology is rapidly evolving. Today we think of apps on phones and tablets but already we are seeing wearable mobile devices such as watches, clothing, and glasses. Car manufacturers are investing heavily in bringing this kind of functionality to vehicles and most new TV’s are internet ready. All of these require very specific apps – opening up new potential and possibilities for you. Approached with careful thought and a sensible budget, the opportunities that enterprise apps can bring to your organization are tremendous. As smartphones reach near ubiquity, business owners are realizing the value of a mobile app. Also, many unique features within your app can be more engaging than web elements. Creating an enterprise app now will help you connect with your mobile-centric customers.


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