Digital Marketing Exercise on 3 Conde Nast Websites

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We do not pick up magazines from stands anymore. I am not sure how many of us religious seek out a specific magazine periodically.

We look for Content. Good Content; Great Content; and by looking we mean typing a few keywords that describe what we want in the Google search button.

Now what happens when we are looking for good pieces to read on travel, fashion or lifestyle and the first options are not the popular Condé Nast, Vogue or GQ?

It’s a problem, all right; that needs to be fixed. So we did.

We were given these following three websites:

These sites were then grappling with the following problems:

* Huge SEO issues
* Advance issues related to Website Architecture, Content and HTML
* Discrepancies between the Page-Views shown by Google Analytics and Ad Impressions shown by Google DFP

Now it’s a shame if sites with such high quality content miss out on views / followers just because of a few issues that could be fixed with a few strategic steps.

We implemented the following few steps all with the steps all with the help of numerous cups of coffee, smudged fingerprints on whiteboards and absolutely fantastic inputs from the Conde Nast team

For SEO:

* Resolved all technical issues as per Google Webmaster Guideline.
* Analyzed all three websites from On-page SEO perspective and also followed the instructions mentioned on Google Search Console.
* Implemented Structured Data with Google Authorship, worked on page load time, reduced broken links and also resolved content duplication issues.


For Analytics:

a) Page-View Count: We were approached us with a unique requirement to count page-views for each slide on the site. We have resolved to working on the On-click page view code and implemented the same in an ethical way.
b) Event Tracking: We also implemented event tracking code in many areas of the website. All the three websites have an infinite scroll technique to visit next page in mobile as well as in desktop. Event tracking while a visitor scrolls down to the next page was also implemented.

One of the highlights in this project of ours was the smart usage of Google Doubleclick for Publisher

There was a huge discrepancy between the page-view shown by Google Analytics and the Ad impression served by Google DFP for the GQ website. Usually, the same numbers of Ads are shown on all pages of the website, so ideally the ratio should match. We performed an audit and found out all the areas of concern; and then worked on Unfilled & Unrendered Impressions and reduced discrepancy.


We are happy that we could help a reputed publisher like Condé Nast to better their website experience and that their content is now accessible to more number of eyes.

And we would be happy to do the same for you. There may be issues in your website that are not visible to the naked eye, but that add on to the negative user experience. Even if you feel like you have the website that you deserve, give us the chance to make it more worthy of you; or if you have problems in mind already, just tell us what the issue is and consider it handled.

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