Category Archive For "Web Design"

It’s a Free World – The Future of Open Source

There was time, when then-CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer had called the open source Linux operating system a cancer. That was 2001. A decade and 5 years later, in the 9th Future of Open Source Survey, 78% of respondents said that their companies run part or all of their operations on OSS. So, what changed? …

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Measure over Matters

5 Metrics that are a must for a Successful Web Project It’s raining data. There is data everywhere. It’s pouring data on the streets and at coffee tables. There’s no questioning its necessity or ubiquitous nature anymore. But, for those of us who are regularly seeking data to make decisions know how overwhelming such enormous …

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10 Elements for a Landing Page That Converts

A landing page is the first digital experience that a user has with the brand. And considering the two types of landing pages – Click-Through Landing Page & Lead-Gen Landing Page – it is of paramount importance that there is a definitive closure to a user journey on the page. And how does one define …

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How the right size of fonts matter for brands?

Have you ever thought why fonts are so vitally important? Yes, you read it right – choosing the right font is one of the most critical tasks of a designer. Think about the way you dress-up. Based on what you wear, people assume your sense of style, your age, your personality. Clothes leave the strongest …

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Web Design Best Practices @ Capital Numbers

A website is considered great following its usefulness, relevancy and user friendly design. Every web project is different and hence it must be treated in its unique depending upon its service offering or products and its target market. But, there are some basic design principles that are universal to all websites. Abhijit Sarkar heads the …

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Why You Need to Switch to Long Scrolling Site?

Are you still stuck with “above the fold”? It’s time to move on. With the increasing use of mobile devices, today, single page long scrolling websites are growing more popular. It is easier for an user to scroll on a smaller screen, than navigate to other pages. Earlier long scrolling sites were considered taboo. From …

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Capital Numbers Wins Envato Market Wallpaper Contest

Envato Market ran a design and creative wallpaper competition for three weeks in the month of June. Thousands of entries were submitted matching the theme of the contest – Urban. Capital Numbers not only scored the top position in the contest, but several entries got a special mention. Priyanka Deb, from the design team was declared …

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Elements of an Event Website

Are you planning an event? Have you considered developing a separate website for your event? This is help you to brand your event, reach a bigger audience, and convert them into attendees. Your event website is a place where you can share every major information about your event and generate interest in people to attend …

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