Category Archive For "SEO"

10 Elements for a Landing Page That Converts

A landing page is the first digital experience that a user has with the brand. And considering the two types of landing pages – Click-Through Landing Page & Lead-Gen Landing Page – it is of paramount importance that there is a definitive closure to a user journey on the page. And how does one define …

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20 Advanced Google Search Tips (part 1)

All of us depend on Google for online search. In fact, most of us, turn to Google many times a day to seek information on various things. But unless you are a complete technology geek, the chances are less that you end up hitting the right results. Here are some tips for you to make …

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Google Voice Search is Now Smarter – Welcome Complex Questions

Now you can find smarter results for Google’s voice search. It will now understand every questions, even the complex ones and their meaning as well. Voice based assistance are here to stay. Knowing it well enough, Google has simply upgraded its voice search functionality. It can be wisely said that with this new upgradation, Google …

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You Have A Business. How Do You Promote It?

Let’s assume that you run your own business. Do you have a Business blog? Great! You don’t? Then it’s the time you should start one immediately. Your business blog serves as a platform to talk a little extra about your products and services. Also about your organization and its people. The achievements and new tie-ups of …

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Google Gives Higher Ranking to ‘Mobile-Friendly’ Sites

Here is a grand news for those who have a mobile friendly website. From today, the search engine giant, Google, will offer higher ranking to sites with a ‘mobile-friendly’ website. As a result many websites will “disappear” from Google when people use smartphones or tablets. The tech giant declared earlier that it has made several …

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Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Agency

In this age of information boom, digital media plays a very pivotal role. To reach out to a larger audience, every business, whether done through an online platform or offline, needs to be digitally active. But when you start hunting for the right agency to match your business requirements, it is more often that you get …

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