Category Archive For "Mobile Apps"

Check Out: 5.6 Is Now Available and Completes the Unity 5 Cycle

Developed in June 2005, Unity is a cross-platform engine for gaming developed by Unity Technologies. It’s used to develop video games for PCs, mobile devices, consoles, and websites. Now extended to twenty-seven platforms, Unity is and has always been, known for its ability to develop games on multiple platforms. It’s one of the most successful …

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Which is the Best Cross Platform Framework for Mobile Apps and Games?

Cross-platform programming refers to writing codes and developing software that will work on two or more platforms.  Cross-platform programming software has an added advantage. Normally, if an application has to be developed for different platforms (i.e., Windows, Linux or Macintosh), you would have to create multiple versions of the app using different source trees. While …

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Github for Unity: Is That Good News?

Github with Unity is something many game developers and their teams will welcome. Github is the perfect haven for the world’s largest community of game developers and the product of their imaginations. Github is a cooperative tool where people come together and produce works of art by solving problems or experimenting together if they choose. …

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Is Unity the Ultimate Engine for Developing Games on Android?

There is much game developing engines in the market, but no other platform is as popular as Unity. On their official website, Unity reveals just how popular they are among the users and they also revealed their actual share of market presence. It is easy to comprehend from the information on their website that they …

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Check Out: The Top 7 Games Made Using Unity 3D So Far!

Unity is considered to be one of the best ways to develop games by game developers all over the world. Not only is it easy to use for the game developers, but players also find the game developed by the unity engine great to play. From graphics to game UI, everything is leading edge when …

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5 Things You Need to Know Before You Hire Mobile App Developers

It is a challenging job to identify the right qualified mobile app developers for any firm. In the age of ‘surf-on-the-go’, more and more people are choosing to go mobile over PCs and Laptops. Tablets and Smartphones are slated to completely take over communication and internet surfing by 2020, and a large part of that …

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Why Is Unity3D The Most Highly Preferred Game Engine?

The name of Unity3D is familiar to almost every game enthusiast out there. Assassin’s Creed, Temple Run and Escape Plans are some of the names which would make any gamer worth his/her salt cheer loud and wild. All three belong to the house of Unity Technologies, the company credited with fashioning and developing some of …

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Instagram Stories – the hottest thing in SMM town

Some of us got to the news of Instagram Stories being launched through a meme that accused Instagram of pulling a Melania Trump on Snapchat It was hilarious at first really, all those witty quips from users all around who had no idea why a great app like Instagram had to make such a “me …

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