Entries Written By Ani Ray

Here’s how you put that extra bolt in your WordPress Security

They say disruptions level the ground for the big and small players, and speaking of disruptions in the digital marketing space, WordPress definitely deserves a mention. The free Content Management System, with 2000+ themes and 27000+ plugins, has made creating an awesome website as easy as a DIY project for website developers and bloggers. No …

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This festive season, scooter boards are the new hot cakes

Electric hands-free scooters popularly known as hover-boards have captured the imagination of kids and adults (remember the Filipino priest?) alike. Although initially dismissed as a fad, hover-boards have literally flown off the shelves for most part of this year. So what is it about this toy that is making everyone hover over it? It’s simple. …

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Drone Tax, because the best things come with a price

We are obsessed with drones. Maybe, because they are cool technology that just sounds important or because we realize that we could do a lot with them in our daily lives. A New Year is generally the best excuse to give into our temptations and pamper ourselves; and naturally it was not surprising that a …

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Hybrid Apps Are The Way To Go

Apps Hybrid Apps are the way to go! If you are an owner of a small enterprise, chances are that all you’ve heard the last couple of years is the need for an online presence; how your world will crumble if you do not get your business app developed, or how you are missing out …

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In 2016, Apps would most likely be back to their “basics”

It had only been a moment that we had resigned ourselves to a world where apps control everything and boom… our future got seeded with a possibility that apps as we know it might be disappearing. The world is mobile. That means content context is king. The way we experience content via connected devices – …

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AWSome Day!

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” ― Socrates On AWSome Day India, we walked into at Hyatt, waiting to absorb everything regarding AWS Cloud, learn more about AWS Core and application services and learn from AWS Experts present at the venue. * * So what was the day like at the …

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Typography Design Contest Conducted by Capital Numbers

Capital Numbers conducted a typography design contest on May 23, 2015. The design professionals of the organization took part in the contest with much zeal. The participants could choose from any of the following topics and submit their design: “Never ever design for yourself!” “Design= Problem + People + Goals” “Turning your dream into reality …

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