Entries Written By Ani Ray

Capital Numbers Ran for Education

A winter Sunday morning is usually a lazy one, when you hardly feel like pulling yourself out of the blanket, and getting your hands and legs to work. But the last Sunday of November was different for a few from Capital Numbers. Around 33 people from the company participated in the charity run, organized by …

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Smashing Magazine December Issue – A Reason to Celebrate

It seems the festive season has already begun for us. On the very first day of the Christmas month, Capital Numbers has a lot to celebrate. Three wallpapers designed for the month of December, was submitted, selected and published in Smashing Magazine. And this was made possible owing to the great efforts of the design …

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WooCommerce to Woo Users – The Biggest Takeaway of #WooConf

The unanimous experience at WooCommerce Conference is something to cherish for a lifetime. This was the first time when Capital Numbers participated in any international event and that too as an Orange Belt Sponsor. And WooConf surely turned out to be a space where the response was overwhelming. People connecting with each other, sharing ideas, …

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