Entries Written By Ani Ray

ad:tech Australia: Ad-ding more tech to our advertisements

We came across this a while back on the ad:tech Australia website You hardly can ignore such persuasive points, though there was this one lingering question on our mind; how many ad:tech (s) should we attend in a year? It’s pointless thinking about it though, because the answer is and will always be as many …

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#AroundTheGlobe: Week of Google and Couch Potatoes!

When it comes to tech, too much keeps happening around us at a ‘breakneck’ speed. #AroundTheGlobe is a space where we do a quick recap of the tech developments that caught our eye during the last 7 days. Here we go… RIP Google Chrome App Launcher Chrome is getting streamlined and simplified and that calls …

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#SXSW2016: Seeing is Believing!

We had heard a lot about it over the years. The moment we decided that we would be going this year, we had started lapping up all about it from the internet. We wanted to be prepared for every little thing that might come our way during our stay at Austin. But we were only …

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Happiness is … knowing that your team is happy

We are everywhere. We work across the seven seas. But in the end, we are a close knit of people, who spend a lot of time together making good things happen. Naturally, when we get to see some negative reviews anonymously posted on sites like glassdoor our first reaction were to believe that these are …

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#SXSW 2016: Hey Austin, be good to us

It’s the mid of March, and there’s no place we’d rather be in than Austin. The South by South West (SXSW) starts from this 11th and has us hooked even before we have set foot in the city. You can practically hear the city buzzing with SXSW from anywhere in the world. It’s as huge …

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#AroundTheGlobe – Food, Social, Data Centre and More

Each little update on the technology front every second of every day are those flap of butterfly wings that start a tornado somewhere else. It’s very important to keep track of these regular updates because they help us connect the dots that form the ultimate larger picture. We have aggregated a few tech updates that …

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Mad Men and Mad Technology: Ad Tech Delhi 2016

If creativity is the soul of an advertisement, then technology is its wings. In the last couple of years, we have learnt our lessons. Technology is rapidly changing the way we consume information, and it’s literally turning the Ad World upside down and up again on a daily basis. As digital marketers, we continuously scamper …

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This is how you play your best cards while designing for the web

Aren’t these among some sites/apps that you use every day? Notice any visible patterns? Of course there is.All of them use cards for organizing their content. So what is it about cards that make them so ubiquitous around the web world? Let’s find out. What are cards? Cards are those little rectangular texts inclusive of …

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