Entries Written By Ani Ray

2 Minute Guide to Outsourcing like a Pro

Experts estimate that small enterprises and startups typically work with 5 to 15 or 20 workers. If yours is such an enterprise, you’ll probably find that your in-house employees are managing operations efficiently. However, as your business grows, these workers may be unable to handle the workload. You might also find that the volume of …

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Huge Social Media updates ICYMI

The digital space keeps throwing breadcrumbs our way, so that we find just the right methods to enhance our presence. We just need to follow them, to reach our business goals. There’s a lot happening, every minute in the tech space. Mini – updates are the new moon steps that we take. It’s difficult to …

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An Advanced Guide to HTML 5 Features

The fact that HTML5 is powerful with a wider set of technologies that allows development of more diverse and powerful websites and applications isn’t in doubt. Therefore, knowing how to use these features is the first step towards becoming an efficient web developer. This blog post walks you through a comprehensive list of new features …

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How to be a Professional Remote Employer

More and more entrepreneurs are opting to work with remote hires for a number of factors. They economize on salaries and office overheads and have access to the best talent and skills from around the world. Some employers prefer to work with just freelancers while others find that having a combination of in-house and remote …

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HTML5 Form Best Practices

A modern and responsive website is no longer just a portal that acts as a communication channel—for sharing information— between the organizations with its clients. For you to be successful with your website strategy—attracting visitors and converting them into leads and customers—you have to design a web form that establishes an affable relationship with the …

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How to Hire a Great Remote Web Developer

In recent times, given the prevalence of social media, websites, mobile apps, and other digital technology, you absolutely need your business to have an online presence. To develop this persona, you need a great website with interactive pages, smart presentation, mobile and tablet compatibility, and linking to social media sites. These are only some of …

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How to Manage Your Remote Team Better Starting Tomorrow

Working with a virtual team of remote hires has many upsides like most employers discover. As your office overhead costs come down and you begin working with the best of talent from across the world, you’ll soon be thanking yourself for making the decision when you did. However, like all workplaces, whether real-time or virtual, …

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How You Can Become a Great Virtual Employer

Working with remote hires is not very different from working with in-house employees. No doubt, there are many challenges you’ll need to overcome. However, with a smart, carefully thought out approach, you can get your freelancers to deliver the best they can. You can find the best of talent and skills from around the world, …

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What You Should Know About HTML5 Drag and Drop

The drag and drop feature is one of the interactions that can promote usability of your website. There are numerous frameworks that can be used to develop the drag and drop interfaces. However, what most web developers don’t understand is that all the modern web browsers—that supports HTML5— have native supports that can implement drag …

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