Entries Written By Ani Ray

Reach your project deadlines faster by Hiring Remotely

Deadlines, yes, that dreaded 9-letter word and we are finally dedicating a piece on deadlines. We will discuss in the next 3 and a half minutes how deadlines can be met faster (and efficiently) when you start working with remote teams (read us). Here we go! #1: Longer commutes = stressed out employees = deadlines …

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5 WordPress themes that entrepreneurs must know

If you are an entrepreneur starting up your own business, chances are that you end up wearing more than one hat every day; mostly because you are working with a small but dedicated team who do not have strict job roles, but have an ingrained drive to work towards realizing organizational goals. As someone heading …

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Question to ask while remote hiring a content writer

“Content Marketing is the only Marketing left” – Seth Godin What the great Seth Godin actually meant is that you should be creating content that the audience cares about and not just targeted advertisements. To be frank, in today’s day and age almost everyone understands the gravity of the above statement, and anyone who is …

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How to Communicate Effectively with Your Virtual Team

One of the crucial elements for the efficient working of your business is certainly communication. You need to convey instructions and feedback to your team and in turn, you’ll need to receive regular updates on the tasks they are working on and have completed. Communicating with in-house workers is not an issue since they are …

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Remote Working has its Eco-friendly Benefits!

We have been talking a lot about the brighter side of virtual workplaces or remote employees in our last couple of blogs. There’s one point that we might not have touched on earlier, but it sure deserves a special mention. It’s about remote working being environment friendly. Working remotely can be our ultimate green move! …

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Why Your Best Remote Hire is the Next One

Having created a new business or startup, it is understandable that entrepreneurs prefer to hire virtual employees as compared to an in-house regular employee base. Having virtual workers or remote hires as they are also called can present a host of benefits for your business. To begin with, you can avoid having to incur administrative …

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HTTP2 to make your WordPress website faster

Imagine working on the first desktop you ever used right now. Like seriously imagine doing serious work on it now. Sounds preposterous right? We thought so too. Similarly it’s absolutely ridiculous to still stick to HTTP 1.1 for your WordPress websites, a protocol which was ratified back in 1997. Just like the desktop that you …

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How Remote Hires can Maintain Productivity Levels

Working from home as a remote hire or a freelancer has many advantages. These include and are not limited to choosing projects of one’s own choice, working at one’s convenience, savings on commuting costs, and many more. However, you might have noticed that working from home often results in lower productivity levels. Many factors can …

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What to do Before You Launch Your WordPress Site

Considering the popularity of WordPress as the most widely content managing system, many entrepreneurs opt to use it to create their websites. It has a wide range of themes that allow you to choose the best one that matches the industry you work in and the kind of products and services you sell. WordPress is …

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How to Tell When You Need to Hire a Remote Employee

Having started your new business, you’ll want to remain in control of every aspect of it to ensure smooth running and efficient supervision. However, most entrepreneurs are not skilled in managing every task and need to consult or hire experts to assist them. For instance, you might need advice on how to handle the marketing …

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