Entries Written By Ani Ray

React vs. Angular: Which works better for Frontend Development?

If you want an application for web or mobile with a smooth UI and minimal code, consider using either Angular or React. The increasing dominance of millennials in the tech domain has increased the popularity of these frameworks. Furthermore, these frontend frameworks are used by some of the biggest brands and apps you use online …

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Magento Community or Magento Enterprise – Which Should You Choose?

If you’re in e-commerce, you’ve probably considered Magento as your platform at least once. You might even be using it currently, and for a good reason. With flexible content management and built-in mobile optimization, it’s one of the most user-friendly and admin-friendly e-commerce platforms on the market. It can handle around 80,000 orders an hour, …

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Is 5G Safe or Dangerous?

5G is here, and it’s something that a lot of people are very excited about. Faster download speeds mean you can watch movies streamed in perfect clarity, communicate quickly with people around the world, and efficiently process large batches of information. So what’s not to like? Well, if you’re in a growing contingent of people …

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How to Hire and Work With an Agile Remote Development Team

It’s no secret that we love agile frameworks and methods at Capital Numbers. That’s because agile presents such a convenient and efficient way to approach software development — not only for the developers, but for our clients. As software development grows more advanced and more complicated, small teams with a lot of moving parts must …

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The Definitive Guide to Staff Augmentation

Business interconnectivity and dynamic online environments mean that business owners have to adapt to many different goals, objectives, and technologies. This goes double if you’re in a highly technical field such as SaaS. However, the complex modern business landscape also has its advantages. For example, staff augmentation is easier than ever before. And, we highly …

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4 Steps to a Successful MVP

So you’ve got an idea for an app that could be on the same level as Uber, Airbnb, or DoorDash. You’re convinced it can actually solve a major problem…and maybe even form the foundation of a billion-dollar business. But not so fast. You still need proof of concept, and you need feedback from your market, …

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