Top Ten Mobile App Development Trends To Watch Out In 2019

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Mobile phones have become a necessity for everyone. Back in 1994, when the first mobile phone was launched, nobody knew that it will become an integral part of our life. Now it’s 2018 and there are over 2.1 billion mobile users.

With the growing trend of mobile phones, we have seen that mobile app development has become very important and quite popular. From games to maps, to music, and even food apps, every app has made our life easier. This enormous popularity of mobile application offers a great opportunity for new businesses to make a new name through business apps.

As the New Year is at our doorstep, mobile app developers are looking for popular trends in the mobile app development area that will help them to maximize their output in 2019. So to make their work easier, here are some top mobile app development trends to watch out in the coming year:

  1. Customized mobile apps

    Apps are known for providing a spontaneous way of browsing and better user experience. Customized mobile apps have been gaining grip in the past few years and in 2019, this trend is definitely going to grow stronger.

    Not just the biggies like Amazon and Flipkart are using mobile applications for increasing their sales, but the small players have their own apps created according to their requirements. So all those who love developing mobile apps, this year is crucial for you.

  2. M-commerce

    People love to work with their convenience. And when it comes to paying bills and everything, it becomes very hard for someone who has a busy lifestyle. In this scenario, M-commerce plays a very important role. Research has proved that the number of M-commerce transactions will cross the number of E-commerce transactions in 2019.

  3. Mobile payment methods

    When it comes to M-commerce, people are gaining more confidence in paying online or using mobile applications in for making payments. That means any successful mobile app should have up to 3-4 online payment methods i.e. mobile wallets, debit or credit card, Paytm, etc. And yes, in this world of the mobile industry, this could help you to make your own stand.

  4. Wearable apps

    There is a huge demand for wearable gadgets like fitness trackers or smartwatches. This has made the wearable apps industry to set a successful future. According to CCS Insights, The wearable industry will be worth USD33 billion by the end of the coming year.

    All the wearable gadgets can be paired with smartphones. So, with the growth of the smartphone industry, the market for wearable gadgets is also growing. And of course, you cannot use any wearable gadget without any wearable app.

  5. AR/VR

    In the last few years, AR and VR have gained enormous popularity. From games to education, everything supports Augmented and virtual reality. Earlier, VR and AR set used to be very expensive. But with the increasing demand for these devices, anyone can afford it.

    The mobile industry is focusing on the development of faster and powerful devices. That is the reason why VR and AR are expected to gain huge popularity in 2019.

  6. Artificial Intelligence

    Apps like Alexa, Google assistant, Siri, etc, have made our life easier. They are applicable to reading, sending messages, using a camera, microphones, searching something for you and even setting a reminder. It is all possible because of their artificial intelligence capabilities. It has gained huge popularity in 2018 and expected to be more fame in 2019.

  7. App Security

    Security is the most important prospect of everything. When it comes to mobile phones, it becomes a necessity to keep your phone secure. That’s the reason App security is on our list. Mobile app development companies have convinced the customers that there is a need to take care of their security.

  8. Mobile Games

    In 2019, the casual gamers and hard-core gamers will take up 60% of the cumulative gaming market. Everyone loves to entertain themselves and that’s the reason there is a huge demand for gaming PC/Mac, console, handheld, and mobile.

  9. In-App Ads

    Digital advertising has become very popular. It is the reason why it is expected to see 60% of apps to get monetize through in-app advertising. With the growth in the mobile industry, digital advertising is also growing at an equal pace.

  10. Chatbots

    There are many communication apps and chatbots play an important role in them. Using AWS Lex, it is very easy to develop new chatbots, it just requires some programming knowledge. With the help of many combinations and affordable chat builders, you will see more chatbots driving conversations between consumers and brands in the coming year.

These trends will definitely shape our mobile websites and applications industry in 2019.


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