What Are the Trends Set for Outsourcing in 2017?

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In 2016, the SEO industry, as well as the outsourcing industry, have made their way to success with the help of technological advancements. The year 2016 has been remarkable for new trends in the outsourcing industry. We are now three months into 2017, however, and during this period outsourcing has increased in popularity and to a whole new level altogether. In terms of outsourcing trends for 2017, experts predict that the year 2017 will experience greater innovation and development in cloud technology, in data security, and in social responsibility. Below are discussed a few possible trends that may influence outsourcing to a great extent this year.

  • Outsource providers will level up their quality:

According to a global outsourcing survey (conducted by Deloitte) in 2016, businesses who outsource their work to their outsourcing partners, expect innovative and error-free services from them. They outsource not only to complete their project within budget, but also to avail other value added services that are offered by their outsourcing partner.

So, in response to this, it can be expected that outsourcing providers will increase the quality of their services by including more and more value added services and bringing innovation into those services. According to this trend, before starting a new project, both employers and their outsourcing partners will get SLA or Service Level Agreements before initiating a new project.

  • Virtual employees will be increased:

With the help of advanced and latest technology, it has become easier for outsourcing providers as well as freelancers to work remotely. Since there is a number of project management and real-time monitoring software, it is easily predictable that 2017 will see a significant increase in virtual agents. The advanced technology will make the future of offshore outsourcing industry brighter than ever.

Since virtual employees and offshore outsourcing offers a number of benefits including productivity improvement, low workforce cost and accessibility for extended hours (especially if the outsourcing partner is from a different time-zone), most companies prefer outsourcing their project.

  • IT delivery system can be centralized:

Looking at the streamlining business process of 2016, it is easily predictable that more businesses will switch to just one dedicated IT vendor rather than opt for outsourcing to multiple IT vendors. The more centralized the IT system is, the more standard and innovative and productive it would be.

  • Use of cloud technology will be increased:

Cloud technology became popular in the year 2016. It is expected that this year will be an excellent year for Cloud technology, especially for the Hybrid Cloud. The Hybrid Cloud refers to an integrated Cloud service used by both private and public Clouds in order to access business functions easily. According to many industry experts, more than 50% of IT vendors will use Cloud technology by the year 2018.  The remaining percentage will possibly partner with industry Cloud platforms.

  • Impact outsourcing:

This year, it is expected that a new social responsibility model for business processes may gather more attention. The primary aim of the outsourcing providers would be providing quality outsourcing services in a cost effective way.

  • RPA or Robotic Process Automation:

This year, RPA may enhance the ease and efficiency of BPA in 2017. It is predicted that it will develop productivity to a great extent and reduce costs while maintaining its quality. For repetitive tasks, software robots can replace humans.

  • Development in automation:

With the help of the automation process, it is now possible to increase production with efficiency. Experts predict that there can be a great development in automation and scalability in the year 2017 with the help of reusable platforms that offer better technical support.

With the above predictions, the year 2017 is looking to be a promising year for the outsourcing industry. These trends, however, focus more on streamlining business processes and enhancing the use of centralized technology. Indian outsourcing providers will increase their functional capabilities significantly.

Additionally, outsourcing companies are making data security a priority in the year 2017. However, it is just a prediction based on the trends of 2016. Only time will tell if the prediction will come true or not.


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