2016 Trends: How Remote Team Hiring Has Increased Revenue For Small Businesses

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Recruiting new members is not a decision that small business owners can choose to make lightly.

Forget about recruiting, if you are a ‘lean start-up’ just taking off, you think twice thrice even before buying news office supplies. Also, as a start-up with a potential to branch out and grow in unlimited directions, hiring permanent in-house employees can significantly add weight to the list of considerations that you have to make while taking the most minimal of risks.

Most small businesses, thus often end up with an inadequate number of resources to manage everything on their plate. But that’s not the right for businesses who really are looking to expand and reach their full potential.

So how do we address this problem?

Cue: Remote Hiring of Dedicated Team Members

Hiring of remote & distributed yet dedicated teams gives businesses all the benefits of an in-house team without forcing them into monetary or other commitments that they may later come to regret.

Let’s explore how that works.

Talent pool from around the globe

Your brilliant business idea might be in need of some serious talent for execution. If you restrict yourself to your backyard, chances are that you are compromising on your needs. Hiring a dedicated remote team where you pick and choose the exact talent that you need for your business will do the job for you.

Saving Money

To hire say 5 more people working for you, you do not have to incur costs of providing them additional workstations, office supplies, utilities etc. Plus operations that have remote staff usually have less turnover, meaning that you save time and money on training and hiring in the long run.

According to a Forbes magazine report, American Express reported annual savings of $10 million to $15 million thanks to its remote worker options.

Agility & Scalability

No project is same, and you cannot expect every person to be good at everything – but guess what – it doesn’t really matter when you have a dedicated remote team. When you need certain skills for a particular project, you can list those skills and hire a team accordingly. For the next project, you can move on to a different team comprising of a different set of people. This kind of agility is gold for small businesses as they like exposure in diverse work.

The agility can also be a source of scalability and can help businesses figure out what they do best. A dedicated team gives you space and encourage taking minimal risks once a while without the fear of large-scale effect.


You know the only difference between hiring freelancers and a remote team? With a remote team, you are not only getting the right skills for your project, you are also getting people to lead that team and optimize that team as per your requirements and goals. So you essentially do not need to worry about different time zones, unavailability, erratic reporting, divided attention in projects etc.

Two-thirds of managers say employees who work remotely increase their overall productivity.

All these advantages and benefits said and discussed, if you are that kind of a leader who likes having his team close and likes keeping an eye on her/his team to help them reach their full potential – you might still be shying away from a remote team despite all benefits – technology comes to your rescue.

The collaboration tools available in the market these days are so sophisticated that we wouldn’t be exaggerating if we say that you’d almost feel no difference between a team right under your nose and one 10000 miles away. You can easily optimize your team’s performance with these tools and a few effective communication practices

“By telecommuting, 83 percent of employees said their ability to communicate and collaborate with co-workers was the same as, if not better than, it was when working on-site.”

It’s not easy to build a winning small business team. You won’t instantly find the perfect team members. However, if you take the right approach and you look for people with similar core values, you will be able to build a winning team and grow your company.


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