2 Minute Guide to Outsourcing like a Pro

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Experts estimate that small enterprises and startups typically work with 5 to 15 or 20 workers. If yours is such an enterprise, you’ll probably find that your in-house employees are managing operations efficiently. However, as your business grows, these workers may be unable to handle the workload. You might also find that the volume of certain operations now needs the expertise of professionals.

For instance, while you have been delivering products within the city yourself in the initial stages, you now need expert logistics to deliver them to customers that live outside the city. To quote another example, bigger enterprises have more complex legal and accounting procedures. Thus, you might need the assistance of external companies and outsource some of the operations. If you’re wondering how to go about the process of moving some of your operations outside the company, here’s what you need to do.

Identify the Skills Your Company Needs

Identify the areas where your company needs support. Many spheres such as marketing, delivering products, and computerizing taxes and accounts needs specialized people. You might want to take your business online, hire people to manage customer care or even source components for the advanced products you now manufacture. All these operations need experts to manage them. Consider whether you can get these tasks done by in-house workers and if it is economical. If you find that using external skills is more practical you might want to look for them.

Match the Skills to the Right Companies

Search out reputed companies that can deliver on your requirements. If you need to, look for referrals from other businesses in your industry. You could also advertise that you’re looking for companies that can provide you specific services. Invite proposals and take your pick from the ones that suit you best.

Work Out the Timeline

Choose the professionals according to the timeline for which you intend to work with them. For instance, accounting is a seasonal operation, but one that needs to be taken care of every year. Marketing campaigns are one-time tasks. Once you have advertised your products effectively enough and your sales pick up, you may no longer need the services. Digital marketing, on the other hand, needs long-term work. Keeping all these factors in mind can help you find the perfect company to work with.

Work Out the Scope of the Task

Once you have clearly worked out the tasks that you need the company to do, you’ll find it easy to explain and define them to the outsourced company. Make sure you add them to the legal contract you draw up. If needed, work with a professional team to get all the nuances outlined. Eliminating any possibility of ambiguity and miscommunication ensures that the tasks are done according to your specifications and expectations.

Vet Out the Outsourced Company Thoroughly

While you’ll do your best to find the best companies to work with, you also need to do your own homework. Check how they conduct operations and if their work culture complements yours. Ask for information about the past and current projects they have and if their partners and clients are happy with them. You could also ask them for estimates and possible strategies for managing your operations. Carefully study the presentations and flow charts they create. If you feel confident about what they have for you, go ahead. If not, look for a different company.

Outsourcing some of the elements and operations of your business is a smart business move. But, take care to go about it in a systematic way. Choosing the right companies to work with can ensure that your enterprise performs consistently. In fact, you’ll want to see it working more efficiently with the assistance of exterior people. That’s what outsourcing is all about.


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